All my orgone items have been energized during the curing process with Solfeggio Tones and magnets.

A large Orgone Pyramid. 120MM from point to point measured diagonally on the base.  Approximately 2.6" high. It weighs almost half a pound. Ideal for use in bodywork and to clear and stabilize energy in an area, especially EMF and CHEMTRAILS.

The base layer is 1/3 inch of resin colored blue with dried natural plant pigments extracted from a mixture of blackberries, black currents and blueberries. This is to connect the orgone pyramid with the earth elements.
The second layer is a thin layer of aluminum flakes. The next layer has mixture of shungite and black tourmaline 50/50 with a few flecks of crystal quartz. A few silver flecks are scattered on top of that layer with a copper sacred geometry FLOWER OF LIFE. The 4 white pieces, one in each corner, is white selenite.  Above that is a solid MALACHITE MERKABA STAR. In the very tip of the pyramid there are 24 carat gold flakes. This is the most powerful combination of crystals for the purpose of transforming and neutralizing EMF and other imbalanced energy, including CHEMTRAILS.


The flower of life shape contains a secret shape known as the fruit of life. It consists of 13 spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. These laws represent the whole universe. Giving Flower of Life to someone you love, is like giving them the whole universe in one jewel. The Flower of Life can be found in all the major religions of the world. In Egypt, whose tradition many people believe is the source of all the monotheistic religions, the "Flower of Life", can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. In Israel, you can find it in the ancient synagogues of the Galilee and in Masada.
People have reported physical and psychological changes from having the symbol nearby. They experienced increased heart beat, prophetic dreams, dissolution of their illusions, seeing the reality for what it is, and freedom from deep-seated fears.
The flower of life is one of the most powerful sacred geometric shapes in the world!


The metaphysical meaning of the Tree of Life is clear — indicating each being is a child of the Universe, with a right to exist and a responsibility to be oneself.
While it is called the Cosmic Tree, the World Tree, and the Holy Tree, among other names, its symbolic meaning of strength, wisdom, protection, beauty, and redemption might hold true across many belief systems.
In the Christian faith, the writers of Proverbs reference the Tree of Life with four truths, including wisdom, righteousness, fulfilled hope, and a wholesome tongue.
In more metaphorical sense, the Tree of Life can represent natural creation, as in Kabbalastic mysticism — with a complete map of the soul and its attributes.
Because Metaphysics ties the natural world with the spiritual, the Tree of Life in this case represents a Cosmic Family tree of stores, demonstrating the links between people and with the past, including where people have merged, split off, and rejoined.
In any case, it is a power symbol that enhances anything it is connected to.


SHUNGITE is very old... ancient in fact... said to be around 2 billion years old. It is an extraordinarily positive stone... and using it may bring you a variety of blessings. This is an amazing stone, and one that is beneficial to a healthy life. It is the only known natural material known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. Fullerenes were brought to our attention when research on them gained the scientists a Nobel prize. Fullerenes in this stone will cleanse water then infuse it with a potent healing vibration. The energy embodied within this ancient stone is said to absorb and eliminate anything energetically that is a hazard to human life... and it has active metaphysical properties.

 It is said to infuse the auric field with light... and it is a strong stone for spiritual grounding.
Shungite is a powerful stone to shield you from the electro-magnetic radiation given off by electrical equipment... including computers, mobile phones, microwaves and televisions. It is a stone that has a strong earth connection... and its ancient heritage means that it brings the ancient earth mystical energy into play. Like most black stones... this is a strong stone to aid you with grounding. It is a stone for the base chakra.
 It is said that this unique stone may one day be worth more than gold... due to its unusual and unique make-up. It will assist you by infusing your aura with intense light.


Black Tourmaline can be used to both repel and deflect imbalanced energy. It enhances ones physical well being by providing an increase in physical vitality, emotional stability, and intellectual acuity. It balances male-female energy within the body. Enhances energy and removes blockages.


    MALACHITE is said to be a powerful emotional cleanser helping to remove past traumas, and bring harmony into your life. Its use should be limited to small doses as its deep energetic cleansing may be uncomfortable for some.
    Malachite is a powerful amplifying stone that amplifies both positive and negative energies, but because it is inside an orgonite matrix, any negative energies it might pick up are neutralized. It is normally a stone that needs frequent cleansing, but again, because of the orgonite around it, it does not need cleansing.


Orgone is the name given to Life Force, Chi, bio-energy by Wilhelm Reich between 1936 and 1940. Orgone is a type of energy that defies many of the laws of physics and is considered to be the energy that creates and supports life. Orgone is the light, universal energy that is present in all living things

Many metaphysical disciplines work with the same energy, known by various names ... (orgone, reiki energy, prana, chi, etheric energy, bio energy, bio magnetic energy, huna energy, astral energy, 4th dimensional energy, life force energy, and probably many other names.
Orgone creations are energy storehouses. The energy they store is spiritual energy, energy that nurtures.
Orgone items are made from metal chips (Copper, Brass, Aluminum curls & etc), a resin matrix and crystals.

What happens when you add crystals to Orgone?
Crystals have a natural ability to arrange energy and direct energy flow. By putting crystals into Orgone, the crystals are able to direct the flow of energy and enhance the orgone.
Crystals embedded in orgone are energized, making a small chip as powerful as a boulder, and having crystals in orgone increases the power of the orgone and hence the orgone field.

We have then gone further and shaped it into a pyramid. four sloping sides emits positive energy.  Research and experiments have shown that pyramids change the energy around them.
