NCS Product Synopsis
Update: February 23, 2006

«©NCSX» Mugen is a radical samurai who slashes and break dances, not necessarily in that order, when attacking foes. His unlikely traveling companion is a proper ronin who observes the ways of Bushido, despite having no master, and all the edicts that fall under its auspices. The two warriors trail a woman named Fuu whose goal in life (or maybe just for now) is tracking down a samurai who has the scent of sunflowers on him. In a sequence near the beginning of the adventure, gamers see the sunflower samurai in a field of sunflowers but the sunlight puts a glare on his face... The two swordsmen are beholden to Fuu in a way because she helped them get out of a jam. That... and a fateful coin toss that Mugen nearly sent into orbit.

   NCS would describe Samurai Champloo as a 3D samurai rhythm action game. It would be routine fare were it not for the combination meter that's located on the top of the screen which indicates the available combos for either Mugen or Jin. The combos may be pulled off at any time. Mugen's movement and attack style are unorthodox to say the least - he mixes devastating swordplay with back spins where he rotates on the ground and then kicks out to blow back any warriors that might be closing in for the kill.

Jan Code: 4543112396433
Japanese Title: サムライチャンプルー

Region Lockout
Please note that Japanese Playstation 2 games are region-locked to playing/booting only on Japanese PS2 consoles. If you have a USA Playstation 2 console, you will need a region circumvention device or mod in order to play Japanese PS2 software. 

   This document is ©NCSX 2006, 2011. All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or in part of this document may be made without express written consent of National Console Support, Inc.