Welcome to the presence of Evelyn, a powerful spirit attached to this vessel. Evelyn called to me at an estate sale, and her family was able to recall her story, which I'll detail below. While in my care, Evelyn has made it clear that she is not resting peacefully, but angrily yearns for the childhood she lost too soon. Her jealousy is most intense when in the presence of youthful people, so she should only be cared for by adults.

I only wish for her to find some form of peace, but her energies have made it clear to me it may not be possible, or at least is beyond my abilities.

*The vessel itself is 18 inches tall, brunette, wearing a floral dress and maroon hat, and missing the left hand.*

*I will include a free gift to help you welcome Evelyn into your home.*


This vessel was once a beloved toy, treasured by a young girl named Evelyn. Evelyn had received the doll as a gift on her fifth birthday and the two became inseparable. The doll was always there to comfort Evelyn during her nightmares and to share in her joys.

However, one day, tragedy struck. Evelyn was playing with her doll near a river when she accidentally dropped her into the water. Desperate to save her beloved toy, Evelyn dove into the river to retrieve the doll, but the current was too strong and she was swept away.

Days passed and there was no sign of Evelyn. Her parents searched everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. In their grief, they turned to the doll they recovered for comfort and were horrified to find that one of her hands had broken off during her time in the rocky water.

As the years went by, this doll was passed down within the family, but each time she was given to a new child, strange things began to happen. Toys would move on their own, doors would slam shut, and children reported feeling a ghostly presence. In particular, the feeling of a tiny hand brushing across their back, along with the distant sound of rushing water.

It is said that the spirit of Evelyn still haunts this doll, seeking revenge for her untimely demise. To this day, the doll remains missing her hand, a constant reminder of the tragedy that took place so many years ago. Children whisper that if you look closely, you can still see the faint outline of Evelyn's handprint, as if she's still trying to hold onto her doll even in death.


Ebay requires I add the policy on purchasing paranormal/metaphysical objects:

Ebay forbids the sale of intangible objects (spirits, entities, luck, magic, etc.), therefore I am only selling this as a doll. There is no guarantee of paranormal/supernatural events taking place as a result of purchasing this doll, nor is there any guarantee of an entity being attached to this doll, and I am not responsible for any experiences that do happen or do not happen once this doll is within your possession. You are physically only purchasing a doll, and everything described about this doll within this post, and through communication with me, is intended for entertainment purposes only. Doll is sold as is. In order to participate and bid on this item you must be 18 years or older. By bidding on and purchasing this item shows you have fully read and understand this disclaimer.