Awaken Your Kundalini 6-7 mm AAA Grade Kyanite Mala Beads Necklace, kyanite Jewelry, Kyanite knotted Healing Mala Beads, Energized 108 Genuine Kyanite Gemstone Mala What is Kyanite? Kyanite is a pretty important stone that can enhance not only your mind but your whole body, as well. For something so small and beautiful, kyanite can align all the chakras in your body and restore its balance and harmony. It can promote a calming effect on your being while keeping you centered. It’s because when the chakras are balanced and open, you can freely express what you think or feel. There will be an easy flow of energy inside and outside your body. You will spend less time trying to think of ways how to connect because you will develop a pulse for knowing what will work and what will not. This crystal is also brimming with grounding energies that will make sure your feet are planted firmly on the ground. It will be your anchor to reality when everything else in your life feels like a plot in a really bad movie! Kyanite can also help you transition to your meditative state because of the balance and harmony that will take over your body. It will also encourage you to discover new interests, learn new skills, and build your knowledge. It’s a very flexible crystal that’s great for busy people looking for rest and relaxation. It’s grounding and energizing, and it will help you accomplish all your goals with joy and enthusiasm. It can also help with health issues concerning the adrenal glands, parathyroid glands, and the urogenital system. Healers also use this crystal to help with treatment for disorders in the brain, throat, or the muscular system. Blue kyanite is a good luck stone, especially when it comes to wealth and career. Owning a blue kyanite and wearing it close to your body will fill you with the energies that will attract good luck to you! It’s a very handy crystal to have when you are about to make a sales presentation, or when you are about to close a deal with a buyer or client. It’s a powerful stone that will bring good luck to negotiations. When it involves two people or more than one party, blue kyanite can symbolize very favorable news. It can positively influence people and make them see your vision. It can positively affect the energy in the room and turn the odds in your favor! Kyanite is also a crystal of growth. If you want your career or your business to grow, this is the crystal that you should hold on to. Like Citrine, Kyanite is one of the two minerals on the planet that neither accumulates nor retains negative energy, and therefore never needs cleansing. Kyanite's energy is unlimited in application, making it an excellent stone for metaphysical purposes, and it may be used for cleansing and clearing other crystals. The most outstanding property that all colors of Kyanite are known for, is the ability to bring all of the chakras into alignment. This also applies for when you want to grow as a leader, as a boss, or as an influencer. It’s the crystal that can help you make your dreams come true. Kyanite also signifies expansion. When you are surrounded by the energies of this crystal, business expansion or a growth in your assets will happen sooner or later. Like the Sunstone, it also symbolizes new beginnings. Even if things did not work out so well for you in the past, the blue kyanite will cleanse all the bad energies and allow you to start over with a clean slate. If there’s anything that you want to happen in your love life, you can tell it to your kyanite crystal and envision it happening right before you. The energies surrounding you and your crystal will work to make it come true. Of course, you will need to put in the work as well. No amount of wishing and daydreaming can make the man of your dreams just land on your lap! The great thing about kyanite and love is that it will give you a chance to have a calm reflection. It will give you many moments to think about your past, present, and future. It will keep you focused on the present and what you want to happen. It will also make you look forward to the future when all your dreams will finally be made manifest in your life. Kyanite also symbolizes loyalty. When you are in love with someone and you are in a committed relationship with them, your loyalty for them is a given. But when you’re going through something difficult and all you want to do is hurt them as much as they are hurting you, it will be quite challenging to remain loyal to that person. This is where kyanite energy can greatly help you. Kyanite will inspire loyalty. It will make you stay. It will make you keep loving them. It will make you realize that all relationships are flawed, and everyone has their own weaknesses. Having this piece of information will make you loosen up and just appreciate your relationship for what it is! Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you need loyalty in your life. You want to have people who will be with you through all your ups and downs, who will defend you, who will help fight your battles for you, and who will make you feel like you’re the most incredible person in the world. It’s not easy to be loyal or to inspire loyalty. But with the help of your kyanite crystal, you can show people exactly why they should be loyal to you! When you need strength and courage to work through your issues and settle your conflicts, blue kyanite can give it to you. It’s a great stone to keep close to your body when you are ironing out your differences with that special someone, or when you find yourself in a major dispute or disagreement with them. It’s very powerful when it comes to repairing damaged relationships. It does this without the user needing to direct it by thought, but if it is directed it will have the extra result of being able to open the chakras. This article also covers other colors of Kyanite apart from Blue, and although they have similar properties there are some differences in their use. All are high vibration crystals and are powerful stones to align the chakras. All colors of this stone have particular chakras that it is most effective to heal, but all are powerful healing crystals and have a high vibration. Any color of Kyanite will benefit the ongoing healing of the body and aid the development of spiritual and psychic gifts. It calms the mind and allows you to go deep into the restful and relaxing state required for a totally relaxed meditative experience. This is a high vibration stone with strong crystal energy. The Indigo kyanite stones have a strong third eye energy and may also help with dream recall and help by bring healing dreams. All colors work within the third eye chakra stone, and they are also wonderful to use at the throat chakra. Their energy will open the throat chakra, creating better communication and self expression. Its impact when communicating, assists you to speak your personal truth. This is a most powerful stone for healing you if you have had accidents or surgery on any part of the body, as this may have resulted in energy gaps, which blue Kyanite will bridge. It is also helpful if you are low in energy as it will assist trauma and replenish your energy. By clearing the meridians and pathways it will restore the flow of energy to the chakras. The Kyanite healing properties are quite powerful, as this stone starts the healing process of any chakra by its use. Blue Kyanite has an ability to align all of the chakras, which makes it one stone that should always be used if possible at the beginning of any meditation. In meditation it has the potential to open the third eye, which will promote telepathy, clairvoyant gifts and other psychic abilities. Its energy is gentle and balanced, as it takes you easily to the higher spiritual realms. During meditation your brain waves should slow, as ideally their rhythm changes from the beta wave of your normal day to day activities, to a slower alpha wave. If you have difficulty with stilling your mind and stopping the thoughts from intruding, using Isochronic Tones is effective to aid you. This relates to the fact that two specific areas of the brain, the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex that are said to be related to developing any psychic gifts and your intuition. These stones assist the development of psychic abilities, because they work by encouraging these specific areas of the brain to entrain with the new rhythms that are introduced by these tones. Although blue is the throat chakra color, the properties are so effective that they work on the total body. Whatever chakra you are working on, and regardless which of the specific chakra stones you have chosen to work with, use Kyanite first. The longer you keep the stone within your aura the better, as it elevates the level of good vibrations within your energy field. Each color of this stone has specific chakras that it works best with, but all varieties will be effective to heal the body overall. The blue colored stone is the most common of the Kyanite colors. Blue Kyanite has a potent ability to transfer and amplify high frequency energy. It has a strong vibration that will create a protective shield around anyone who is working with it. This natural crystal is known as one of the stones that will aid you to develop intuition as well as enhancing psychic abilities overall. It will take you to the higher spiritual planes and stimulate the higher mind. This is a high vibration stone that will work on all parts of the body so may be used on any chakra. It will provide a safe haven for those who are carrying out healing. Blue kyanite is definitely more than meets the eye. It’s not only a beautiful stone, but also a very powerful one! It can open the body and clear its communication centers. It also possesses a light energy that will make your heart, mind, and soul lighter. It has the ability to balance your chakra and bring more tranquility into your life. It’s a great crystal for channeling because it’s always gentle and balanced. It’s a peaceful stone that will bring back the balance that you have lost. It is a strong spiritual grounding crystal, and it is well known for its action to also ground any excess vibrations stimulated by the spiritual journey as well. It is an excellent stone to use for those doing spiritual work as it has a strong energy for psychic protection, protecting you from psychic attack. Keep Kyanite close to you,if you want to take advantage of blue Kyanite's excellent ability to promote lucid dreams.