These old original lexicon algorithms are glorious! Thanks Dave Griesinger :)

From Sound On Sound....

The Dual Reverb read‑only card provides 10 new reverb algorithms comprising various combinations of Chamber, Inverse, Room2 and Surround Chamber (Matrix), which, in isolation, will already be familiar to PCM90 owners. Six of the new algorithms are splits, where the PCM90 can be used as two separate reverbs fed from two different aux sends; the remaining four are cascades, allowing one reverb effect to be placed in series with another. The effect parameters are set out in the same way as their standard PCM90 single‑effect counterparts, and full routing and modulation support is maintained — in fact, the Inverse algorithms function has been given a few new parameters. And, of course, the input routing arrangements have been changed so as to allow the dual algorithms to be used effectively. The dual effects may be routed as Stereo Split, Mono Split or Reverse Mono Split, whereas Cascade offers the choice of Left Cascade, Right Cascade or Stereo Cascade.

To use the card, you must either power up your machine with the card installed, or follow a load routine if you installed the card after power‑up. The card may be removed from the machine once it's loaded, but any new algorithms will be lost when the machine is switched off. User patches based on the card will be saved, but you can't access these unless the card algorithms have been loaded. Obviously, if another PCM90 card has already been loaded, it won't be possible to load a second card.












