Desert Prickly Pear (Opuntia Phaeacantha) cuttings/branches, large box full, 12"x12"x6".

These plants in full sun get covered in beautiful flowers and tons of fruit. nicknamed tulip prickly pear because the fruits look tulip shaped. Very juicy purple fruit. Full of Antioxidants.  California Native plant. Its a cactus native to the mojave desert. It also is native to many southwestern states from Cali to new mexico.  From just a few cuttings, in a year or two you will have a large plant, maybe a foot tall, with flowers that attract tons of pollinators like bees. They go well in outdoor landscaping and are good container or patios plants.

They do well in sun or shade and are good plants for beginning gardeners because they are very difficult to kill. Great for cactus collectors and can be gifts for your gardening friends. They are great in drought tolerant or low maintenance gardens. Amazing plant for edible landscape, permaculture farms and gardens, and market gardens. They do well in temperatures down to 0 F and up to 130 F. Great indoors

We got the mother plants from a landscape demo where they were throwing them out and we took them to the farm to recycle them. Now we farm them and sell them too. I have never used insecticides, pesticides or herbicides on the plant and it is only given nutritional intake from organic tree mulch and rain water.

These cacti are great for your garden. These plants can grow from a small plant into a large one giving hundreds of additional branches/cuttings throughout its growth. Each of these new branches are new cacti and can fruit as well!

These plants can also be used as landscaping plants as they are drought tolerant & care free species. They only need to be watered once a week for a year then once a month after that unless it rains, then you don’t need to water.

I will get the biggest plants possible at the time for you that fits in this package. Will be heavily watered before shipping. Carefully packaged & shipped to you without harming your plants.