Basic Football:
BASIC FOOTBALL explains the game in a fast-paced, funny and very entertaining way. Using state-of-the-art graphics and animation, football clips and story-like segments, BASIC FOOTBALL will turn any football novice into an educated, game-loving fan in less than an hour. Men, women and children of all ages will love BASIC FOOTBALL!
Coach of The Year:
Jim Brandon, a former player of the Chigago Bears, was paralyzed during the Vietnam War. When he returns, he tries to get a job as a football coach, but he doesn't succeed. After a visit to the youth prison, St. Charles, he thinks of becoming the football coach there. He decides to do it, because he likes the challenge. The boys, young delinquents, don't accept him, but he goes all out to be accepted.
The Joe Louis Story:
The life and career of Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis, who held the title for 12 years--longer than any other boxer in history--and who had to not only battle opponents inside the ring and racism outside it.
Joe Palooka:
Mayme walks out on her husband, Pete Palooka, after he wins the middleweight championship and shows his proclivity for life in the fast lane. She raises son Joe on a farm by herself. When slippery fight manager Knobby Walsh happens to discover Joe's surprising punching power, he signs him. With current champion Al McSwatt needing an easy opponent, Walsh gets Joe the fight. Palooka steals the championship (and girlfriend Nina Madero) from McSwatt, who shows up for the fight drunk. Now it's Joe's turn to live in the fast lane, winning fights (that are set-ups by Walsh) and drinking hard with vamp Nina. However, when McSwatt and his manager trick Joe into a rematch, it's time to test his real boxing talent.