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Banana Cereal 100% Organic seven types of Grains Powder Nutritious Dietary Supplement 7oz (200g)

100% organic product from Ceylon.

Best Smell, Best Results


Consists of seven types of grains.

All grains are washed well, seasoned, fried, dehydrated and made into powder.

High quality production process.

Included in 7oz (200g)

Color: Natural Yellow


Breakfast cereals represent a nourishing breakfast choice which is widely accepted.

Whole grain cereals are often fiber-rich and fortified with important vitamins and minerals.

It is very tasty. It has its own aroma.

Does not contain any sweeteners, salt or sugar.

Banana cereal is special for Kids and  a nutritious dietary supplement for adults too. 


Banana flour - (Musa)

Suwadal rice flour - (Oryza sativa)

Soya beans flour - (Glycine max)

Cowpea flour - (Vigna unguiculata)

Gram flour - (Cicer arietinum)

mung bean flour - (Vigna radiata)

Barley flour - (Hordeum vulgare)

Health Benefits

Have higher daily milk intakes as they are most often consumed together

Have better intakes of dietary fiber.

Have lower intake of fat and cholesterol.

Have enhanced micronutrients intakes in particular, B vitamins, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

Are more likely to meet their recommended nutrient needs.

Ready-to-eat breakfast cereal eaters also tend to have healthier body weights and have reduced risk of developing lifestyle related disorders like CVD, type 2 diabetes, hypertension.

How to Use 

Pour a bowl of cereal. Add fat-free milk and a handful of strawberries/chopped banana/dry fruits.

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