28" x 11.5"  inches made for Subways, Bus & Trolley Cars, put in purposely  built advertising slot that was above windows in public transportation.
 "Take Stock in America "  
Buy US Saving Bonds & Freedom Shares" 
  This was the very likely the 1st Treasury Ad Campaign selling Freedom Shares . 
  Indeed it was close , SEE LAST PHOTO #11 in my ad..  But , my poster predated 1970  and is dated 1969 has no super imposed /old school Photoshopped generic image of a Apollo 11 astronaut's back.  In a  spacesuit facing the earth. . Mine is just moon with earth as seen from the moon from space.  
See last photo #11 ,this is from A&S  website ,it's the last photo in my ad  from the Smithsonian's Air & Space Museum website..
 Lower left in poster is stamp marks as in my quote marks    
 "US Department of Treasury 1789 "   &  "Advertising Council
      transit advertising contributed in public good"     
  The only other one could find online  was in collection of Smithsonian Air n Space Museum web site, they have detailed. Story about Freedom Shares n Apollo 11 landings ,great article . By The Smithsonian Air & Space Museum official website claiminh this 1970 poster exact wording moon photo is the first advertising of this Freedom Shares Treasury bonds 
The Smithsonian site poster is dated US Gov .printing office  1970         mine dated 1969 ,theirs has a back in day back photoshop ,of a astronaut's back in Apollo 11 spacesuit ,  on moon as one would be looking to earth .otherwise identical.. 
  Mine is marked correctly ,US Gov Printing Office 1969 O . Numbers after this n on far right bottom . 
  "Take Stock in America "     
  " Buy US saving bonds & Freedom Shares "   This photo is a NASA original photo from Apollo 11 1st moon landing July 20th 1969..  Absolutely original famous image from the moon landing"  IMHO if the 2nd configured image is at & on the Smithsonian Air & Space museum's Web Site at  Washington DC . Then mine is quite rare or Smithsonian doesn't know this poster exists.  The Smithsonian has claimed the Freedom Shares Treasury bonds advertising campaign 1st poster was the one their detailed story of the Freedom Shares n Apollo 11 poster is one of the 1st . Created and dated 1970 . mine is dated US gov printing office 1969 meaning it was produced after July 20th landing until Dec 31 1969 .  shortly after the iconic landing  
  See all my photos  
 Thank You  