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Titolo: Homemade Bread
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Miguel Angel Durante
Ilustración: Kristina Stoyanova
Contribuyente: Kristina Stoyanova (Illustrated by)
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9786197458114
ISBN: 9786197458114
Publisher: Dixi Books Publishing OOD
Genere: Children's Books
Soggetto: Baby & Picture Books
Data di pubblicazione: 29/11/2018
Anno di pubblicazione: 2018
Description: Fast food chains have spread to every corner of the globe, eroding the taste of good food from our kitchens and scouring delicious homecooked odours from our homes. When parents spend time with their children in the kitchen, they are engaging in more than the mere act of cooking. Rather, they are participating in a living cultural history that cannot be replaced by the fast food phenomenon.Preparing, baking, and eating your own bread might sound like an ordinary task, until you are reminded of the history behind the labour. Humans have farmed and harvested wheat for ten thousand years. We’ve been making bread for thousands of years. Bread has acquired a unique meaning in every culture. The history of humanity is woven into its smell. Why don’t you make some homemade bread with your child, add your own page to this chapter of humanity’s history?Every child deserves this experience. Why don’t you write your own story with your child?Homemade Bread has a special place among the library’s collection of children’s books because it reinvigorates the joy that can be found in the simple and ancient art of baking bread.
Numero di pagine: 32
Paese di origine: BG
Altezza: 225mm
Lunghezza: 225mm
Lingua: inglese

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