Oceania Australia New Zealand Indonesia Polynesia Hawaii 1873 Johnston map

Oceania Australia New Zealand Indonesia Polynesia Hawaii 1873 Johnston map


(Old Maps, 19th Century Maps, Oceania, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Hawaii).

Issued 1873, New York by J. David Williams. Map by Keith Johnston.

Late 19th century lithographed map with lovely original hand color.

Interesting depiction of Australia. The key below title lists various European Colonial Powers and the specific lands they controlled. Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) seen at top right, Sumatra at far left..

Sheet Measures c. 14" H x 19 1/2" W.

Printed Area Measures c. 12" H x 17" W.

Cartographic Reference(s):
Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers, vol. 4.
