Welcome to our eBay listing for genuine Alfra annular cutters! Our Alfra cutters are designed to give you precision cuts every time, with a 25mm or 50mm cut depth to suit your needs.

Alfra cutters are made from high-quality materials and feature a unique geometry for faster cutting and longer cutter life. These cutters can be used with magnetic drills, pillar drills, and other machines.

At UK Tools and Fasteners, we take pride in stocking only the best annular cutters on the market. We believe that Alfra cutters are a great choice for those looking for quality and affordability.

If you need pre-sales advice or help choosing the right cutter for your needs, please don't hesitate to call us on 0114 357 0130. Please note that our cutters do not come with a pilot, but you can select one from the drop-down menu if needed.