North Yorkshire Carping
Pre made PVA mesh bags:
These PVA mesh bags are made with very high quality bait, we use Coppens premium select pellet which are considered to be the highest quality and most expensive pellet on the market, we use micro pellet, 2mm pellet and 4mm pellet in the mix. As well as the high quality pellet you customers also have 7 groudbaits to choose from to go with the pellet!!!
There are 3 sizes available:
Large which you get 15, 35g PVA bags
Medium which you get 25, 22g PVA bags 
Small which you get 35, 15g PVA bags
These PVA bags are all made with self life products that do NOT need to be frozen, keep the bag sealed after every use to ensure the quality of the bags stays at its best.
NOT for human consumption