2016 Topps Star Wars Evolution Trading Cards 

Pick Your Card - Checklist provided below

           1    Anakin Skywalker                    Tatooine Slave
           2    Anakin Skywalker                    Padawan
           3    Anakin Skywalker                    Jedi Knight
           4    Anakin Skywalker                    Jedi Redeemed
           5    Anakin Skywalker                    Jedi Spirit
           6    Anakin Skywalker                    Sith Apprentice
           7    Darth Vader                         Sith Lord
           8    Darth Vader                         Star Pilot
           9    Darth Vader                         Hand of the Emperor
          10    Ahsoka Tano                         Padawan
          11    Ahsoka Tano                         Jedi Knight
          12    Ahsoka Tano                         Rebel
          13    Padme Amidala                       Queen of Naboo
          14    Padme Amidala                       Handmaiden Disguise
          15    Padme Amidala                       Senator of Naboo
          16    Padme Amidala                       Republic Warrior
          17    Padme Amidala                       Mother-To-Be
          18    Obi-Wan Kenobi                      Padawan
          19    Obi-Wan Kenobi                      Jedi Knight
          20    Obi-Wan Kenobi                      Jedi Master
          21    Obi-Wan Kenobi                      Tatooine Recluse
          22    Obi-Wan Kenobi                      Jedi Spirit
          23    Yoda                                Jedi Master
          24    Yoda                                Jedi Warrior
          25    Yoda                                Jedi Council
          26    Yoda                                Jedi in Exile
          27    Yoda                                Jedi Spirit
          28    Luke Skywalker                      Moisture Farmer
          29    Luke Skywalker                      Rebel Star Pilot
          30    Luke Skywalker                      Rebel Commander
          31    Luke Skywalker                      Jedi-in-Training
          32    Luke Skywalker                      Jedi Knight
          33    Luke Skywalker                      Jedi in Exile
          34    Princess Leia Organa                Senator of Alderaan
          35    Princess Leia Organa                Rebel Leader [white jacket]
          36    Princess Leia Organa                Rebel Leader [white robe and blaster]
          37    Princess Leia Organa                Jabba's Prisoner
          38    Princess Leia Organa                Rebel General
          39    Leia Organa                         Resistance General
          40    Han Solo                            Smuggler [green shirt]
          41    Han Solo                            Hero of the Rebellion
          42    Han Solo                            Rebel Captain
          43    Han Solo                            Carbonite
          44    Han Solo                            Rebel General
          45    Han Solo                            Smuggler [black jacket]
          46    Naboo Senator Palpatine             Senator of Naboo
          47    Supreme Chancellor Palpatine        Chancellor
          48    Supreme Chancellor Palpatine        Ruler of the Republic
          49    Emperor Palpatine                   Sith Lord
          50    Emperor Palpatine                   Galactic Emperor
          51    Boba Fett                           Son of Jango Fett
          52    Boba Fett                           Mos Eisley Bounty Hunter
          53    Boba Fett                           Cloud City Capture
          54    Boba Fett                           Jabba's Palace
          55    Chewbacca                           Kashyyyk Warrior
          56    Chewbacca                           Smuggler [face fwd]
          57    Chewbacca                           Mechanic
          58    Chewbacca                           Millennium Falcon Co-Pilot
          59    Chewbacca                           Smuggler [1/2-L profile]
          60    Wilhuff Tarkin                      Republic Captain
          61    Wilhuff Tarkin                      Imperial Moff
          62    Wilhuff Tarkin                      Imperial Grand Moff
          63    Lando Calrissian                    Bespin Administrator
          64    Lando Calrissian                    Smuggler
          65    Lando Calrissian                    Rebel Sympathizer
          66    Lando Calrissian                    Rebel General
          67    Clone Trooper                       Phase I
          68    Clone Trooper                       Phase II
          69    Stormtrooper                        Imperial Soldier
          70    Stormtrooper                        First Order Soldier
          71    C-3PO                               Household Droid
          72    C-3PO                               Protocol Droid
          73    C-3PO                               Rebel Interpreter
          74    C-3PO                               Resistance Interpreter
          75    R2-D2                               Naboo Mechanic
          76    R2-D2                               Astromech Droid
          77    R2-D2                               Rebel Astromech Droid
          78    R2-D2                               Hero of the Rebellion
          79    Mace Windu                          Jedi Master
          80    Mace Windu                          Republic General
          81    Mace Windu                          Jedi Council
          82    Jabba the Hutt                      Gangster
          83    Jabba the Hutt                      Tatooine Crime Lord
          84    Mon Mothma                          Rebel Conspirator
          85    Mon Mothma                          Rebel Leader
          86    Bib Fortuna                         Boonta Eve Classic
          87    Bib Fortuna                         Jabba's Majordomo
          88    FN-2187                             First Order Stormtrooper
          89    Finn                                Resistance Fighter
          90    Rey                                 Jakku Scavenger
          91    Rey                                 Resistance Fighter
          92    Kylo Ren                            Dark Side Warrior
          93    Kylo Ren                            First Order Enforcer
          94    Darth Maul                          Sith Apprentice
          95    Darth Maul                          Nightbrother
          96    Count Dooku                         Political Idealist
          97    Count Dooku                         Separatist Leader
          98    Count Dooku                         Sith Apprentice
          99    Kanan Jarrus                        Padawan
         100    Kanan Jarrus                        Rebel

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