All are dirty, untested with film, and haven’t been touched or remembered about in at least a decade. Were found under a huge mountain of clutter, or in closet ammo cans, while cleaning. Some were in ziploc bags, while others weren’t. All, except one, has a case— even if one or two may be broken, or easily fall apart🤣


*Optima IIs Prontormator

*Voitlander Vitoret (has broken case, at the bottom; aperture is a square)

*Argus Cintagon C-Forty-Four(broken shutter; must be double cocked; shutter sound, but no movement; it stays forever in that 007 look🤣

*Nikon Nikonos II(underwater camera? how to cock?)

*Cita Regula King KG Bad Liebenzell; Steinheil Munchen lens(continuous cocking without release; had a dirty knob and shows the most dirt; broken shutter?

Bolsey model B2 (self cocking shutter?)


Being sold as is! I didn’t remove the bottom half of the cases, so who knows what may be lurking underneath, if anything!🤣 There may be some green spots, I overlooked. Please give them a good home, thorough cleaning, and much use!!🙏✨