Biotech 100% Creatine Monohydrate 300g
Manufacturer: Biotech

Weight: 300g

For 1 serving, mix 5 g of creatine monohydrate with 500 ml of any beverage. Filling stage: in the first week, consume 4 servings daily. Two before and two after training. Maintenance phase: After the filling phase, consume 2 servings per day. One before and one after training.

Active ingredient, 100g, 1 serving - 5g
Micronized creatine monohydrate (200Mesh), 100g, 5g
of which creatine, 87.912g, 4.395g

Biotech creatine is a highly absorbable and micronized form of creatine, which is a form that is more easily soluble and absorbed into tissues than traditional monohydrate.

✅ Creatine is the most effective and popular supplement for building muscle mass and improving strength

✅ Maximum degree (Micronized 200 Mesh) of creatine fragmentation for optimal absorption into the body

✅ Increases intracellular energy levels

The creatine molecule is the primary energy carrier in muscle cells, as phosphocreatine stores energy-rich phosphoric acid residues (phosphate radicals) and provides them for protein synthesis and muscle contraction.


Creatine enhances physical performance during successive short, high-intensity exercises. A beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 3 g of creatine.

Biotech brand Creatine Monohydrate is prepared from pure creatine in powder form. It is tasteless, so it can be easily mixed with other means, such as mass-building supplements and protein shakes. Like all BioTech USA products, 100% Creatine Monohydrate contains 100% safe, carefully selected ingredients.

After just a few days of creatine use, muscles become larger and more "pumped up" - This is the effect of increasing the amount of creatine in the muscle by about 50%. A series of reactions then occur that cause muscle cells to absorb more water. The increased cell volume creates intracellular tension, and the body perceives this as an anabolic signal - thus stimulating the muscles to increase mass and strength.