Spirulina 1000tab 250g - algae. Dietary supplement in the form of tablets.
* Spirulina is a marine algae with a high content of dietary fibre and protein.
* 100% natural algae, without additives.
Recommended daily allowance: 9-12 tablets. Do not exceed the recommended daily serving per day.

Ingredients: Spirulina - compressed marine algae - without additives (anti-caking agents - Silica).

Recommended intake: 3-4 tablets 3 times a day after a meal

Nutritional value of the product In 100 g; in a 3 g portion; %RWS* in 3 g

Energy value: 1214 kJ/290 kcal - 36 kJ/9 kcal; 0,4 %; %RWS* in 3 g
Fat - 7,72 g; 2,65 g; 0,2 g
- of which saturated fatty acids - 0,08 g; 0,3 %; 0,4 %
Carbohydrates - 23,9 g; 3,1 g; 0,7 g
- of which sugars: 0,09 g, 0,3 %, 0,1 %
Fibre - 3,6 g; 0,1 g -
Protein: 57,47 g; 2 g; 4 %.
Salt - 2,62 g; 0,07 g; 1 %.
Minerals In 100 g; % of RWS in 100 g; In 3 g

Calcium - 199 mg; 25 %; 5,97 mg
Iron - 58,6 mg; 418 %; 1,76 mg
Potassium - 1540 mg; 77 %; 46.2 mg
Copper - 0.09 mg; 9 %; < 1 mg
Magnesium - 431 mg; 115 %; 12.93 mg
Zinc - 1.6 mg; 16 %; 0.04 mg

Chlorella  1000 tablets

Chlorella 99%, silica 1%
Chlorella 99%, silica 1%
Botanical name
Botanical name Chlorella pyrenoidosa

 Nutritional values / Nutritional values

Nutritional values / Nutritional values
Data were calculated from recipes according to suppliers and literature on raw materials used and do not represent analytical averages of measured values.

in 100 g
in 100 g
Energy value / Energy 1552 kJ / 369 kcal
Fat / Fat 8 g
of which saturates 1,9 g
Carbohydrates / Carbohydrates 7,9 g
of which sugars / of which sugar 0.3 g
Fiber / Fibre 13 g
Protein 60 g
Salt / Salt * 0.07 g
Active component
Active component
in 100 g
in 100 g
Chlorella, including: / Chlorella, including:
Iodine / Iodine
100 g
860 μg

Natural detox KIT 

Chlorella as the Superfood of Our Time!
Chlorella is a single-celled marine alga that is the richest source of the green pigment chlorophyll. The product is a natural dietary supplement with great properties. Chlorella is counted among the superfoods - Superfoods.

Chlorella grows in freshwater and is consumed as a staple in the daily diet of the Japanese and Chinese. Chlorella is currently the most thoroughly analyzed supplement in the world. An excellent source of protein, it contains as much as 58 g /100 g!

Spirulina - a marine treasure
Spirulina is a marine alga which is a rich source of protein. It contains as much as 57.0 g of protein, which is 4 times more than meat!

Spirulina is used in the production of cosmetics, nutritional supplements and foods for aquarium fish. As a dietary supplement - the alga is characterized by high bioavailability of 85-95%.

We can often find it in bars, shakes or natural dietary supplements.

What benefits can we see from chlorella and spirulina?
Source of protein - ideal in a protein diet, vegans, vegetarians. In 100g it contains as much as 58g (58%)!

Source of iodine - supports correct energy metabolism, helps in correct functioning of the nervous system, helps to maintain healthy skin, helps in correct production of thyroid hormones and in correct functioning of the thyroid gland.

Source of calcium - elements necessary for humans to function properly,

Source of magnesium - contributes to decreasing feelings of tiredness and staleness, contributes to maintaining proper energy metabolism, helps in correct functioning of nervous system, helps in correct functioning of muscles (prevents cramps), bones and teeth

Source of iron - helps maintain normal cognitive function, contributes to maintaining normal energy metabolism, helps maintain normal oxygen transport in the body, helps in proper production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, helps in proper functioning of the immune system, contributes to reducing feelings of fatigue and tiredness.

Source of chlorophyll, a green substance found in all green vegetables. The effects of green vegetables and algae are well known to us, especially performing the function of oxygenating cells and ultimately cleansing.

Algae are free from allergies - recommended in the diet of any

ource of potassium - helps in proper functioning of the nervous system and muscles, helps in maintaining proper blood pressure

Zinc source - helps to maintain proper acid-base balance, helps to maintain proper carbohydrate metabolism, helps to maintain proper DNA synthesis, helps to maintain fertility and normal reproductive function, contributes to maintaining proper fatty acid metabolism, contributes to maintaining proper vitamin A metabolism, Zinc helps to maintain healthy bones, hair, nails, skin, helps to maintain proper vision, helps to maintain proper functioning of the immune system, helps to protect cells against oxidative stress

Copper Source - Helps maintain normal connective tissues, contributes to maintaining normal energy metabolism, helps maintain normal functioning of the nervous system, helps maintain normal hair pigmentation, helps transport iron in the body, helps maintain normal functioning of the immune system, helps protect cells from oxidative stress.

Convenient to consume - sip Nas with water!
Both chlorella and spirulina are offered as a uniform powder, finely ground.

When consuming algae, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water to prevent intestinal discomfort and possible detestation of the products. By starting with a small dose, we will be able to select the maximum dose for our body, which is associated with regular use, and this is what we want.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.

Maintaining proper health requires balanced nutrition and healthy lifestyle