Super Rare 2-Sided (polished on one side and rough as-found barren rock face on other side), very large 12" tall Madagascar Polychrome Jasper Freeform weighing in at 4.4 Kg / 9.7Lb. This is a large and beautiful polychrome jasper freeform display specimen that has vibrant colors and unusual natural designs found in it. Using your imagination a person can see all kinds of images in the rock. What especially makes this display specimen so unique are the contrasting sides of the freeform with one side being polished to a brilliant sheen and the other side being the rough outside rock itself that shows how it is found in nature. The freeform is approximately 12" tall, 4-5" wide, and 3" thick. It comes with a rotating display base.

"Polychrome Jasper is a type of chalcedony stone which develops in massive formations.

The semi precious gemstone material was first found on the northwest coast of Madagascar in 2008, while searchers were looking for more deposits of the popular Ocean Jasper.  Madagascar is an island nation in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa.  The deposit is said to be small, but I have heard there are actually 3 different locations in close proximity to each other and the Ocean Jasper locations. 

All of the material is dug by hand.  However it is found in boulders, some huge.

Polychrome means "the act of decorating things in a variety of colors." That is a very appropriate name for this colorful jasper. It comes in a rainbow of colors- from browns, oranges, purples, blues, pinks, and greens. It can be banded, or swirled, or often has a circular pattern or orbs.  

It also goes by the name of Royal Savannah Jasper and Desert Jasper.

Polychrome Jasper is hard and takes a nice polish. 

Metaphysical Properties of Polychrome Jasper:

Polychrome Jasper is said to bring fortune and joy. It is thought to reduce stress, increase stamina, and ease allergies."

Descripton from

"Polychrome Jasper (sometimes called Desert Jasper) is a rare stone commonly associated with passion, fire, and movement. It works with you to ensure your physical vitality is always at its peak. Meditating with this jasper helps channel your intentions into reality by stimulating your creativity and imagination.

Polychrome Jasper is also highly protective, capable of deflecting negative energies and clearing blocked energy channels.  This jasper also specializes in grounding, providing balance and stability.

The Jasper Family

The Jasper family of stones comes with a lot of titles – supreme nurturer, stone of courage, stone of wisdom – and no matter what type you favor or choose, these qualities are present in all of them.

Jasper unifies all aspects of your life, reminding people to help each other. It absorbs negative energy, balances yin/yang, aligns body, mind, spirit, useful for shamanic travel. These stones also aid quick thinking and will re-energize you after recovering from illness. Jasper comes in many different colors, but all are useful for grounding subtle energy that will translate into action in the world.

These stones are able to support you during times of stress by providing tranquility. Jasper reminds people that we are all here to help one another. It provides protection and grounding energy for your physical body. This stone also promotes determination, helping you to tackle challenges assertively and face your truth with honesty.

Jasper helps with quick thinking, organizational skills, and the imagination, allowing you to transform your ideas into action.

Historical Folklore

The Ancient Egyptians associated jasper with the menstrual blood of the goddess Isis and believed that it assisted pregnant women and helped with breastfeeding.

In the early days of Christianity, the Bishop of Salamis credited green jasper with the power to drive away evil fantasies.

It is the stone of Archangels Haniel and Sandalphon.

The nickname Desert Jasper comes from polychrome jasper’s rich brown coloration.


Jasper is a sedimentary stone known as a chert. They are each unique to the extensive “bedded” deposits in which they are found. Many of these stones are named after the geographical area from which they were discovered.  Polychrome jasper comes from Madagascar and is a close cousin to mookaite.

Chakra Association

Polychrome jasper is thought to be able to align and clear all chakras.


You can place this type of jasper in full moon moonlight to energize. It can also be moved through sage smoke or incense, placed in rice, or buried in the earth overnight.

Astrological Association

Polychrome jasper is typically connected with Leo.

Health Folklore

In general, jaspers are excellent for regenerating tissue, particularly those inside the body. These stones also aid digestion." Description from