14 Warpstone Tokens Scatter Scenery Objectives.

I’ve just realised that I didn’t create a photo of just the 14 Warpstone Tokens.

I might do one tomorrow, but if you check all the photos you will see two photos of different sides of the Battle Mats Book that have no miniatures shown but do show the 14 Warpstone Tokens.

7 on each side.

The Warhammer Dwarves and the Night Goblins do not form any part of the auction, they are shown for display and scale purposes only.

I’ve photographed these on one of my LOKE Towns and Taverns Books of Battle Mats.

These are beautiful, and it’s very rare that I use that word.

My only disappointment is the lack of scatter scenery to put on the maps.

I’ve created lots of 3D resin scenery to place on them, but it would be nice to have more of the flat styles of scatter scenery.

Nearly forgot to mention, the dwarves and goblins are rescued from eBay just lately.

The photos will show what you can do with rescue miniatures, if you can be bothered.

I’ve got 6 pots of purple paint to use so everything is going to be gold and purplish for a while.

If an old duffer like me can do this then so can you.

14x Game Objectives

Treasure Hoards-Markers

I’ve created these with rescued small 20mm Warhammer style Bases.

You can buy the crystals from Dystopian Arts (105 crystals in a bag).

They even sent me a bag of freebie’s.

Suitable for use with




Age of Sigmar


Warhammer Quest Cursed City

And other games that use little painted Objectives

Painted to gaming table standard

To purchase these wonderful little toy soldiers Objectives you will need to learn how to haggle.

My suggestion is for you to watch Monty Python “The Life of Brian”

To help you all out.

I start at £xx.xx…

You start at £xx.xx

Then we haggle.

And then when you’ve given me enough money to purchase 375 Curly Wurlies, I say “sold” and for not a shekel more.

I’m happy….. your wife, girlfriend, mother is not so happy.

But let’s not be selfish, my happiness is far more important than most people’s.

Happy to sell these to my brothers and sisters overseas, but please be aware that we ain’t friends, I ain’t interested in your countries import tax or local state government taxes.

You want to waste £70.00 on plastic toy soldiers, then grumbling about import duties seems a bit pathetic to me.

I have used a new paint set for the Miniatures I’m painting this year 2023.

The paint set was developed by Duncan Rhodes, in conjunction with Trans Atlantis Games

(Founder the very famous Bob Watts)

(he’s seriously famous, would I lie to you)

(Duncan Rhodes, the very decent fella who is the brains behind the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy)

Duncan’s goal was to get a set of paints that everyone from beginner to an experienced painter would love to have in their collection.

The paints are called Two Thin Coats

Each colour is part of a Triad.


I like them, I’ve used a fair few of the colours and I’ve not been disappointed yet, I would suggest using a Wet Palette because the paint viscosity is quite thick.

They’ve just finished a second Kickstarter so you will be able to expand any paint collection you currently have.

As far as I’m aware they are also available retail now from Sarissa.

Good paints, nice coverage, first time in approximately 30 years that I’ve owned purple paint and they came in an awesome foam core box to store them in.

Now for the negatives.

They took for ever to arrive.

Although this time they promised my next 60+ bottles will be with me by August.

Each 15ml dropper bottle contains a Head Banging Agitator.


Yes Negative… it’s made of metal.

I’m still using Vallejo paints from 2005/6 and I use glass beads as agitators because glass will not normally react to the paint ingredients.

I’m not a chemist or metallurgist, but I think after 17/18 years there may be a reaction in the bottles to the metal agitators. (on the other hand I will be dead in 13 years, so I probably won’t live long enough to find out)

Paint more toy soldiers.

I paint 5/6 days a week (I paint 3/4 colours a day) for eg:- Monday Flesh Base, Weapons metal Base, Cloth Pretty Colour Base.

Tuesday 3 different colours, blah blah blah.

Yes I could paint more miniatures but I’ve painted 100’s of miniatures over the decades and the only paints I’ve ever had to buy a second one of was Iraqi Sand and Buff.

I use a drop of paint, and I undercoat using a brown or green spray. So it’s very likely I’m going to be brown bread before my purple paint runs out.

Sorry if the paint bit was a too long and boring but it serves its purpose.

I’ve used the following paints when painting the Warhammer Quest Cursed City miniatures.

(Unless your a complete donut you will notice the Objectives have some of these colours and washes used on them but not all of them.)

The colour of the puddles around the crystal pieces was created with Citadel Colour Technical Teseseract Glow.

I’ve then added two coats of Lacquer to protect the finish.

While I think of it, varnish, lacquer, I can’t shout loud enough to make people listen about protecting your toy soldiers, I dropped a Dwarf Slayer on his head from about 50/60 cm in the Easter holiday.

It chipped his hair slightly and his beard very slightly.

Without varnish I would have been crying in my Smarties.

You don’t have to listen to me, send me your destroyed toy soldiers, I like painting.

It’s Humans I can’t stand.

Two Thin Coats Scorched Earth

Ancient Forest

Wasteland Brown

Two thin coats Berserker Red

Sanguine Scarlet

Demon Red

Two Thin Coats Dragon Fang

Skeleton Legion

Vampire Fang

Two Thin Coats Wizard Grey

Carcharodon Grey

White Star

Two Thin Coats Cuirass Leather

Boar Hide

Fur Cloak

Two Thin Coats Spartan Bronze

Dragons Gold

Glistening Gold

Two Thin Coats Royal Cloak

Sword Hilt Burgundy

Glistening Gums

Two Thin Coats Wyvern Green

Emerald Green

Ethereal Green

Two Thin Coats Doom Death Black

Two Thin Coats Marine Blue

Two Thin Coats Barbarian Brawn

Dwarven Skin

Elven Skin

Two Thin Coats Archaic Sepia Wash

Two Thin Coats Flesh Wash

Two Thin Coats Necrosis Green Wash

Two Thin Coats Battle Mud Wash

I used the Archaic Sepia Wash to reduce the shiny glare from the metallics and the black.

If you look closely enough you’ll see the dusty look.

For the first time in my life I’ve used “Effects Paints”

Two Thin Coats Zombie Gore

Two Thin Coats Vampire Thirst

I think the finish and colour is way better than I thought they would, but have a look yourself and see what you think.

I’ve never used paint effects before because, after seeing thousands of miniatures painted with Blood Red to represent blood and Beastial Brown to represent Mud, I promised myself that I would never be sucked into the mindset of these people.

Take it from me, blood red on little plastic swords looks like red paint on little plastic swords, brown paint on tank tracks is brown paint on tank tracks.

What a dreadful human I really am.

So now I’m converted thanks to Duncan Rhodes and Two Thin Coats Paints.

The Zombie Gore and Vampire Thirst also make fantastic Glazes.

I’m really surprised that GW haven’t trade marked “Flesh Wash”.

They trade mark “Warhammer“ which is a great big metal thing that caves heads in.

Why not “Flesh Wash “

Footnote:- if you do trade mark “Flesh Wash” remember I gave you the idea.

I accept payment in Curly Wurlies.

I’ve used Games Workshop Green Flock and Gamers Grass Static Grass Tufts on the bases to break up the grey stones and the mud brown edges.

(Two Thin Coats Wasteland Brown) of the bases.

Now if an old git with failing eyesight like me can paint toy soldiers, then so can you.

My eyesight is that poor now I’ve given up painting eyes, I tried again with some Halflings, but they ended up looking like the were auditioning for Rupaul’s Drag Race.

The other week I put my left sock on my right foot and it took me 4 hours to get back to the bed to pick up my right sock.

That’s how bad my eyesight is now.

Just remembered something, you may ask.

“ are we alone ”

Simple answer “No”

If you look up…..

No no

Go outside first.

Now look up.

What do you see.

No not there, that’s Mrs Jackson’s bathroom window.

“You can see Eternity, that’s what you can see.”

Eternity has got to have more than one war mongering planet in it.

Only two things are certain in life.

1: We are not alone

1.1: 1+1=2

1.2: Curly Wurlies are great

1.3: Also Fingers of Fudge are awesome

And number 2

2: We are not alone.

That’s it folks.

I’m bored now, and the Curly Wurlies in the fridge are calling for me.

Any questions then please read my FAQ.


1. ?

2. !


4. @

5. People