Strulch Organic Dual Action Garden Straw Mulch 9kg Bag

Strulch is manufactured in Britain, entirely from locally sourced quality wheat straw with added iron minerals. The patented process stabilises and colours the straw producing and easy-to-use garden mulch. For use on borders, raised beds, around cultivated fruit and on vegetable plots. Leave on beds for more than one year or work into the soil at the end of the season to improve soil structure and drainage. Please note that Strulch darkens with age when spread or in the bags to produce an earthy brown colour.



Remove existing weeds and spread around established plants and shrubs to a depth of 3-4 cm on bare soil. The 9kg bags from our stockists each cover up to 3 square meters. Our 13kg bulk bags will each cover up to 4.5 square meters. Water the mulch to fix it in place, leave space around woody stems.

The physical properties of Strulch, together with the embedded minerals discourage slugs and snails.

Strulch inhibits weed germination and growth by blocking out light. The mineralisation process inhibits the rate at which the straw breaks down and depending on the application rate and local conditions, can act as an efficient barrier to light for up to two years.

Strulch is biodegradable and will break down over time, adding valuable organic matter and nutrients to the soil. N ? 0.6%, P2O5 ? 0.2%, K2O ? 1.6% percentage dry matter, plus calcium, magnesium and iron (0.75%) and organic acid preservative. Strulch encourages earthworm activity by acting as a long term food source for surface feeding species.

Strulch is made from renewable and local resources which do not harm the environment and Strulch is verified for use in organic growing systems.