Includes both discs, and case. No booklet!


I first received this game from a retro place that no longer exists from years ago, in a mall, that was very much like a Funcoland/GameStop in-between.

Sigh…While I was excited to replay this classic, I wasn’t prepared for the Claire disk to come with detrimental issues.

Ok, as shown in the photos, you can see parts of both characters’ A game, and Claire’s B.

Before listing this up on here, I at first was going to check a few spots, then declare if the game was playable or not, buuuuut as this game is an absolute banger, I ended up playing as long as the discs would allow.

Started with Claire A first. Many errors.

Sometimes, the game needs to be ejected (this was only tested via PS2)and then put back in the console(without hitting the reset button!) in order for a cutscene to unstick itself from hanging(like the opening cutscene after selecting “new game”), or for a room to load(after going into a black screen of death from opening a door; this happened to me when trying to get back into the room where you push the statues to get one of the virgin heart jewels while having the grenade launcher equipped). The game also black screened upon attempting to enter Irons’ room, only for Claire A. No ejects helped there.

What’s odd about that was, it loaded perfectly fine during Claire’s B run. Everything did—up until it didn’t.

And by that I mean, imagine getting pretty far with a low save count and a bunch of healing items stocked up when you go to save. Then, hours later when you’d like to continue your journey, you go to load your game aaaaaand…


Black screen.

You can hear the reader-eye moving around, trying to do its job, but to no avail. No ejects worked from a load, either—only with some stuck loading screens between room changes. This saddened me quite a bit, as I was quite pleased from how well the game was working on Claire’s disc. Welp! It does look a mess, tho. If Leon’s disc almost resembles Sonic slow-spinning across a surface, then Claire’s disc looks as if a bag of cement got splashed over it and seeped into its material. 🤣🤷‍♂️

Overall, Leon’s disc seems to work as intended—no black screens between rooms, no game loading issues from saves, no choppy cutscenes. The bottom of his disc is just questionable-looking.

Claire’s disc used to regularly have chop-choppity-chop cutscenes where splotches of dialogue might be spoken—like bits from 2 out of 8 lines would be voiced while the characters acted out their motions. For some reason, after another playthrough attempt on Claire’s A, that all cleared up? Or seemed to? And I didn’t wipe the disc off, or the PS2’s laser eye, so tis mystery. And there was only one instance where in the opening cg, the music played, over and over and over, but no voiceover was said. I stared at that zombie head for almost 7 minutes, waiting for the next parts to load. Even left the room and came back after a while to that same grim profile of that RE 1 zombie. Then tried the eject trick, and low and behold—the narration kicked back in and the cutscene played out like normal.🤷‍♂️

So, Leon disc, seemingly good.

Claire disc, only ok after loading from the end of Leon’s A/very beginning of Claire’s B. Can be played through, to a degree?—until you turn off the game, and try to load a later save file? Then, bad. Same when trying to load a save from Claire’s A—black screen of doom.

Being sold as-is!

Please take care of it! And/or get a new Claire disc!🤣