Estate Sale Find:  Estate Sale Find: This unique, handmade one of a kind art is of breathtaking detail. The colors are amazingly bright and colorful, though the canvas has discolored some from age, but when framed it's not that noticeable, nor did it take away from the craftsmanship or beauty. The lady is wearing a beaded necklace and earing. The basket on her head is 3-D and protrudes up approximately 1/2 inch off the canvas. I took it out of the frame in order to see it better, which I still have. The artist and date is unknown.

"Santiago Atitlán is a Tzutujil Maya speaking community located on the south shore of Lake Atitlán. Over ninety-five percent of the town's population are indigenous Maya. The town presents a complex mix of the traditional and the modern, a collision of old with new."
"With convenient boat service from the popular Lake Atitlán resort of Panajachel, many tourists have the opportunity to visit. Both men and women wear traje in Santiago as in many other lake communities. In front of the Assembly of God mission, an aged and serene Tzutujil woman who daily spins cotton using a drop spindle attracts the tourists. For a few pesos, a woman will wrap her head with the long headribbon or cinta that resembles a halo when in place. One can buy traditional textiles in a wide range of colors. Women backstrap-loom and embroider their lovely huipiles, as well as the pants worn by men. Children dress as their parents do."

If you have any questions, please message me.

Thank you for your interest.

Unfortunately, since the gas prices has gone up so has the shipping costs. I put in the size package and weight then eBay and the shippers algorithms determines the cost basically from zip code to zip code. Also, if a package weighs 2.2 Lbs. we have to ship as 3 lbs. I use to do free shipping on items in hopes it was easier for you to determine which way to go. I just can't afford it anymore. I do however pay for extra insurance on items over $100. Thank you for your understanding.