NEW..."ChordBoard II" for the pedal steel guitar E9th tuning. This "advanced" version covers the many more chords available on the E9 tuning using additional combinations of the most basic pedals and knee levers found on most any student or pro model guitars. Our "original" ChordBoard has proven very popular for the new player. "ChordBoard II" illustrates additional chords available such as augmented, diminished, and more minor inversions...using combinations of "A","B", and "C" pedals and the "D" and "F" levers...the basic changes most everyone has on their guitar. Full-color, laminated board slides under your strings...or can be displayed on your music stand (see pics). An excellent reference tool for the new player, or teacher. Includes instruction sheet for use and installation. Designed by Rick Kornacker..for you...from Stepping Stone Music. Thanks for looking!