After moving to Ukraine, I decided to try the local candies, and being a fan of chocolate coins since childhood, I instantly fell in love with these. And now, finally, you too can enjoy the taste of rich milk chocolate treasures from Roshen!

These are chocolate coins. For some, Roshen calls them "medal", but our sons decided that these are coins, even though the medal is written on the label, and I will not persuade them otherwise. The coins are interesting from the outside, at first you won't say that it's also edible! Kids really like it, and adults will also be completely delighted with Roshen milk chocolate goodness, melting in your mouth ... delicious milk chocolate.

Everyone I introduced these to fell in love with the taste, and drop one in your morning coffee for some extra richness. You'll end up wanting to go on a Roshen spree to try out all sorts of Ukrainian candy. A great gift to share with your friends. 

We are now offering delicious sweets from Ukrainian manufacturer Roshen. The factory was originally called "Karl Marx" and was founded in 1874 year and has a very long and interesting history in the production of candies, cakes, cookies and so on. Roshen sweets are very popular in Ukraine and CIS countries and now, hopefully with you! We always source fresh items, pack them safely and careful and ship in 1 day. We get these directly from the Roshen store, not the grocery store like other ebayers!

About the product

"Roshen Confectionery Corporation is one of the largest confectionery manufacturers in the world. The production facilities of Roshen Confectionery Corporation are certified in accordance with the requirements of international quality and food safety standards. All Roshen confectionery factories are provided with equipment for monitoring product quality control and related research. The development of technologies and the launch of high-quality confectionery products are carried out by specialists who have been certified and trained in specialised foreign centres."