The name of the photographer Vitaly Butyrin is well known to everyone who is interested in the development of modern photography and its possibilities.


By the age of forty, the Lithuanian photographer Vitaly Butyrin (b. 1947) had already come a long creative path, his works are admirable and attract the attention of amateurs and experts in photography. Every serious artist is a kind of mystery. "Виталий Бутырин. Избранные фотографии." (Vitaly Butyrin. Selected photos.) will try to answer some of these questions, trace the creative path of Vitaly Butyrin, and show what attracts his art - his unique vision of the world, and is considered one of the world’s leading science-fiction photographers.

His works are graphic transformations of reality with montage. He creates a composite photograph by cutting—frequently joining ten or more other photographs—and photographing it again so that the final image is converted back into a seamless print. Butyrin’s pictures will inevitably attract your eye, by being so uncommon and thought-provoking and because of their striking imagery. Dozens of fragments, noticed in real life, have been intermingled in quite an unexpected pattern, and thus a unified photographic image has emerged, powerful in its imaginative reality—or realistic fantasy.

Имя фотохудожника Виталия Бутырина хорошо известно всем, кто интересуется развитием современной фотографии и ее возможностями. Он к сорока годам уже прошел большой творческий путь, его работы вызывают восхищение и приковывают внимание любителей и знатоков фотографического дела. Каждый серьезный художник - своеобразная загадка. Книга попытается ответить на некоторые из этих вопросов, проследить творческий путь Виталия Бутырина, показать то, чем привлекает его искусство - его неповторимое видение мира.

Material: Hardcover, very large format.
"Виталий Бутырин. Избранные фотографии." (Vitaly Butyrin. Selected photos.)
Condition: In VERY GOOD condition. Please see photos for details.
Page Count: 184 pages
Publisher: "Планета" (Planeta)
ISBN: 978-5-85250-150-9
Circulation: 20,000
Dimensions: 245 mm x 350 mm
Years Made: 1991
Weight: 1083g