Détails de l’annonce

Titre: A Student's Guide to Academic and Professional Writing in Education
Condition: Neuf
EAN: 9780807761236
ISBN: 9780807761236
Publisher: Teachers' College Press
Format: Poche
Date de publication: 2019-06-30
Description: This concise handbook will help educators write for the rhetorical situations they will face as students of education and practicing teachers. It provides clear and helpful advice for responding to the varying contexts, audiences, and purposes that arise in four written categories in education: classroom, research, credential, and stakeholder writing.
Sujet: Anglais
Pays/Région de fabrication: US
Auteur: Brenda J. Rinard, Katie O. Arosteguy, Alison Bright
Genre: Language & Reference
Sujet: Society & Culture, Children's Learning & Education
Année de publication: 2019

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