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Titolo: Capital Market Integration in South Asia
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9780081019061
ISBN: 9780081019061
Publisher: Elsevier / The Lancet
Formato: Copertina rigida
Data di pubblicazione: 02/11/2016
Altezza: 229mm
Lunghezza: 152mm
Peso: 290g
Autore: Sourajit Aiyer
Lingua: inglese
Subtítulos: Realizing the SAARC Opportunity
Description: Capital Market Integration in South Asia: Realizing the SAARC Opportunity discusses the potential Capital Market Products/Activities which can create closer inter-linkage of the South Asian capital markets and help local/global investors benefit from this economic opportunity. While some ideas may be implementable now; others have future promise as the regional markets further mature. The book demonstrates both retail and institutional investor interest in this combined high-growth region by offering scope for yield, diversification and risk mitigation, maximized upside from multiple growth markets, minimized downside through low-correlation constituents, and more. The book's core theme addresses the challenges towards deepening the awareness and acceptability of regional economies. Only when this happens will the asset flows increase into the regional market products, providing scale-up that will aid viability for these products.
Paese di origine: GB
Genere: Business & Finance
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

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