Détails de l’annonce

Titre: Moral Essays, Volume II
Condition: Neuf
EAN: 9780674992801
ISBN: 9780674992801
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Format: Relié
Date de publication: 1932-01-01
Item Height: 162
Item Length: 108.00
Poids: 318g
Sujet: Anglais
Sous titres: De Consolatione ad Marciam. De Vita Beata. De Otio. De Tranquillitate Animi. De Brevitate Vitae. De Consolatione ad Polybium. De Consolatione ad Helviam
ISBN-10: 0674992806

Topics in Stoicism.

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, born at Corduba (Cordova) ca. 4 BC, of a prominent and wealthy family, spent an ailing childhood and youth at Rome in an aunt’s care. He became famous in rhetoric, philosophy, money-making, and imperial service. After some disgrace during Claudius’ reign he became tutor and then, in AD 54, advising minister to Nero, some of whose worst misdeeds he did not prevent. Involved (innocently?) in a conspiracy, he killed himself by order in 65. Wealthy, he preached indifference to wealth; evader of pain and death, he preached scorn of both; and there were other contrasts between practice and principle.

We have Seneca’s philosophical or moral essays (ten of them traditionally called Dialogues)—on providence, steadfastness, the happy life, anger, leisure, tranquility, the brevity of life, gift-giving, forgiveness—and treatises on natural phenomena. Also extant are 124 epistles, in which he writes in a relaxed style about moral and ethical questions, relating them to personal experiences; a skit on the official deification of Claudius, Apocolocyntosis (in LCL 15); and nine rhetorical tragedies on ancient Greek themes. Many epistles and all his speeches are lost.

His moral essays are collected in Volumes I–III of the Loeb Classical Library’s ten-volume edition of Seneca.

Pays/Région de fabrication: US
Item Width: 28.00
Traducteur: John W. Basore
Contributeur: John W. Basore (Translated by)
Genre: Literary Criticism
Série: Loeb Classical Library
Auteur: Seneca
Année de publication: 1932

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