Frank Herbert Dune Series Collection 6 Books Collection Set (Children Of Dune, God Emperor,Heretics,Chapter House,Messiah,50th anniversary edition)
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Frank Herbert Dune Series Collection 6 Books Collection Set (Children Of Dune, God Emperor,Heretics,Chapter House,Messiah,50th anniversary edition)

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SKU LWP12049
Title Frank Herbert Dune Series Collection 6 Books Collection Set (Children Of Dune, God Emperor,Heretics,Chapter House,Messiah,50th anniversary edition)
Author Frank Herbert
Publisher Hodder Publishing
Format Paperback
ISBN 9788302821493

The Frank Herbert Dune Series Collection is a captivating set of six books that delves into a rich and complex science fiction universe. Spanning multiple generations and millennia, the series explores themes of power, religion, ecology, and human evolution, set against the backdrop of a desert planet known as Arrakis, or Dune.

Titles in this Set:

Children Of Dune,
God Emperor of Dune
Heretics Of Dune
Chapter House Dune
Dune Messiah
50th anniversary edition Dune


  1. "Dune Messiah": The second book in the series follows the aftermath of Paul Atreides' rise to power as the Emperor of the Known Universe. Facing political intrigue and conspiracy, Paul must navigate the consequences of his choices and the challenges of maintaining control over an empire shaped by prophecy and betrayal.

  2. "Children of Dune": As the saga continues, Paul Atreides' twin children, Leto and Ghanima, come to the forefront of the story. Possessing the combined genetic memories of their ancestors, they struggle to find their path amidst the shadow of their father's legacy and the brewing turmoil within the Empire.

  3. "God Emperor of Dune": Set thousands of years after the events of the first three books, the fourth installment centers on Leto II, the God Emperor, a being who has transformed himself into a hybrid human-sandworm. With almost limitless power and foresight, Leto seeks to safeguard humanity's future, but his rule is marked by enigmatic decisions and sacrifices.

  4. "Heretics of Dune": The fifth book introduces a new chapter in the series, focusing on a distant future where the power of the God Emperor has waned, and factions vie for control of the Empire. The Bene Gesserit, the Tleilaxu, and others are embroiled in a struggle for supremacy, while a young woman named Sheeana emerges with a connection to the enigmatic sandworms.

  5. "Chapterhouse: Dune": Concluding the original series, "Chapterhouse" follows the fate of the Bene Gesserit as they face annihilation. The sisterhood's survival hinges on the secret of their breeding program and the potential of merging with the sandworms, even as they encounter powerful adversaries and uncertain alliances.

  6. "Dune 50th Anniversary Edition": Commemorating the milestone of the original "Dune" novel, this special edition includes extra content, annotations, and insights from the author, Frank Herbert, providing a deeper understanding of the epic tale that started it all.

Through intricate world-building and thought-provoking concepts, the Frank Herbert Dune Series Collection is a seminal work of science fiction that continues to captivate readers with its timeless themes and imaginative storytelling.


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