* * * * * SuPeR RARE, and SuPeR HIGH QUALITY design, these are handfired kiln era, just after th' wet production era, Quality effort, OVER ONe huNdRed YRS OLd... Each unique and feature a strong, durable finish that has remained strong far more than a century... TYPE ONE (T1) DRURY Imprinted Letters Logo PRe-date th' protruded, block style lettering Really great history...

... By photo shown numbers below illustrate location of available selections you can choose...

# s still available:  1 - 4 - 7

                                 2 - 5 - 8 

                                 3 - 6 - 9

... Feel free to message any questions or instructions on specifics! !! ")

... Using th' included numeric designation chart to select one or more, scan through th' many detail photos... You can Choose which one you want and request it by number in your purchase... Apologies again for how expensive shipping has gotten... These are heavy, each brick weighs about five pounds! ... To protectively ship your brick we must use th' priority box option...  if you wish to purchase more than one, you can... b4 you pay multiple shipping charges for each of them, Request a combined shipment total! ... we can combine them for shipment and adjust your invoice with a di$COuNted totaL $hipping charge... Oh, Oh! !! ..We also offer free shipping for local pick up, just let us know and we can adjust your invoice and arrange a time... 

... b4 The Famed 'American Industrial Age' Replaced Men with Machines, An Amazing Handmade Antique Brick Era THRIVED, iN Short Time, Many, Many Various different companies' Explosive ability to produce and ship to order a seemingly impossible combined supply of bricks for all purposes for decades b4 use of Th' Automobile had even begun! !! ... These almost provably impossible numbers, by far exceeding One Quadrillion in that time frame were all Mostly High Quality (with a only a very few companies from then being Mid to Low Quality) and provide hobbyists and collectors with Large Numbers of ith' Various Industries' individual designs by name, and in most cases, additional changes in th' Advertised 'Branding' applied to each brick, for many reasons... Productions Generated by Our Very Own Forefathers through th' multiple generations of th' 1880 and PRE 1880 era spanning through 1917 are likely, and a Unique Connection with our past... Of those Many different individual examples, each and every participant in this effort provides for an Excellent historic and storied example for th' Outstretched, and Trembling paw of th' EYES Wide dOubL dROPJAW headSPiNNiNG brick collector to deafeNiNGLY TRAiN WhiStL dARK bLACk SMOke out of both ears...

... i encourage MORE On foot, in town, at a group event and up to date online research for any and all of these you Ever find... Each company had developed such a Rich and Beauitful history adding to, if not Completely shaping th' Very Charm and character responsible for each and every town village and city th' Era could reach... Since th' Rise of th' Machine, and th' Machining Era, uniform design and practical inter-usage needs there after led quickly to an almost immediate plunge in Quality, and Competetive Profiteering established a permanent disconnection since for business-customer relations and other psychological economic issues such as Trust, to this very day... Below, is some information i was able to find about this Exact Example...

                                                              DRURY Brick Co - Colchester  Vermont VT

1880 - 1917 DRURY BRICK CO of Colchester Vermont VT

Jacob Knowlton Drury (1858)

    (Rechartered) (1867 - 1872)

Jacob K Drury & Son (1872 - 1889)

Drury Brick and Tile Co. (1925 - 1926)

Drury Brick Co. (1938 - 1962)

Densmore Brick Co. - Drury Plant (1964 - 1972)

   ... Antique Bricks  made in th' Golden Age of America's 'Industrial Age Era' spanned from th' Late 17oos to 1917, When Machine Manufacturing Replaced th' Workin' Stiff... Business Owners were able to produce 3o,ooo bricks to 2o,ooo that were Manmade, and like Lightening, th' booming industry quickly transformed due to obvious competition filling orders... Th' Character and Quality were to be unmatched for decades until random and rare purposes became important enough to create... Brick making was among th' MOST Important & massive business in production in our early Nation's development from the early/mid/late

1790s spanning to our common era... 

... It was in 1867 that Jacob Drury founded the DRURY Brick Company... During its operation spanning th' decades, they produced an 

estimated 500 million bricks!

Through their development, there were several versions of lettering used in the DRURY Brick that seem to correspond to the dates when the

 brickyard was expanding... The first bricks were the "water struck" - at that time, the molds were wet so that the bricks would easily just just...

 slide out after production... Th' water struck bricks have a very irregular shape and different texture, and i think i have a couple of those, that

were toward th' bott'm of a pile of TYPE ONE i found... Later, th' bricks were manufactured with "sand molds." In both TYPE ONE & TYPE 

TWO Lettering, the molds used to make them were wooden and 'dusted' with fine sand before the clay was pressed into each position...

TYPE TWO bricks used a carved wooden DRURY that filled with clay to produce RAISED Lettering. There are two or more versions of this

RAISED Lettering i have seen... In my research, it seems that the first design had that CBMA symbol after DRURY and others to follow didn't.