Laura's Album: A Remembrance Scrapbook of Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House Nonfiction) von William Anderson

Art Nr.: 0062459341
ISBN 13: 9780062459343
B-Nr: INF1000669561
SubTitle: A Remembrance Scrapbook of Laura Ingalls Wilder
ReleaseYear: 2017
Published by: Harpercollins
Cover: hardcover
Cover Format: 264x215x15
Pages: 80
Weight: 487 g
Language: Englisch
Author: William Anderson

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A spectacular full-color scrapbook of Laura Ingalls Wilder's life and the Little House books featuring historic family photos, reproductions of original documents, and other special memorabilia.

Beloved by millions as the author of the classic Little House books, Laura Ingalls Wilder led a rich life that spanned almost a century of American history. She saved many mementos from her past, including early writings, letters, drawings, photographs, and more. Lovingly preserved in private and public collections across the country, these artifacts have been gathered together into this incredible album that will resonate with Little House fans everywhere.

This new edition includes a gorgeous new jacket and introduction from noted Little House historian William Anderson, and is the perfect addition to any Little House collection.
Information of Author
William Anderson is a historian, educator, and author of twenty-five books of biography, travel, and history. His groundbreaking research on Laura Ingalls Wilder and her books led to many HarperCollins titles, including Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Biography, Laura Ingalls Wilder Country, and A Little House Sampler. He has also written for Travel & Leisure, the Saturday Evening Post, the Christian Science Monitor, and many other national magazines. Anderson is a frequent speaker at conferences, schools, and libraries. He makes his home in Michigan.
Information of Author:
William Anderson is a historian, educator, and author of twenty-five books of biography, travel, and history. His groundbreaking research on Laura Ingalls Wilder and her books led to many HarperCollins titles, including Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Biography, Laura Ingalls Wilder Country, and A Little House Sampler. He has also written for Travel & Leisure, the Saturday Evening Post, the Christian Science Monitor, and many other national magazines. Anderson is a frequent speaker at conferences, schools, and libraries. He makes his home in Michigan.