This listing is for one paperback book titled "Green Home Building...for an Affordable, Healthy, High Performance Home" signed by the author and seller, Miki Cook.  
Miki spent the majority of her career in the home building industry and was fortunate to work for one of the original "green builders" in Austin, Texas, the birthplace of the U.S. green building culture.  This was during the period of time that the term "green building" was first introduced into use and continued to evolve over the next decade with collaboration between the building community and environmentalists. Over the next 12 years, Miki was integrally involved in the development and implementation of green building practices on projects for both the Austin Energy's Green Building and USGBC "LEED for Homes" programs in Texas.  She also served as Chair of the Education Committee for the Greater Austin Home Builders Association, where she developed and presented the green building education program, "Green Boots", that hosted experts from all related contractor and manufacturing fields with the goal of teaching home builders and trade contractors about the products and practices used in green home construction, This program ran for a number of years and was the most successful education series ever presented by the Association for its members.  

During this period it became apparent to Miki that most of what was published related to residential green building was focused on more expensive building materials, products, and finishes and that had turned away many of those who were interested in incorporating green building into their project but could not afford those upgrades. Those books are not focused on cost so they do not provide the type of information that is needed to build green in such a way as to achieve cost savings, both in the initial construction costs and in savings over time achieved through efficiency and indoor environmental quality (healthy home) improvements. As a result, Miki felt a strong need to share the strategies that can be used in architectural design to improve efficient use of materials in the construction of the home, with these savings leaving money in the budget to fund healthy living finishes, increase the building's performance (reduced maintenance and repairs), as well as energy and water efficiency of the home over its lifetime. Miki's goal was to make this information available for perpetuity, to help all those who have an interest in pursuing "better building practices" to understand the basics of what green building truly is: it's not just more expensive materials, it's about a holistic approach where green building does not need to cost more and can actually provide tremendous savings both initially and long term to those who implement the recommended strategies. Hence, the book...

In order to address a deeper level of understanding of the more technical home performance aspects of the strategies presented in the book, Miki enlisting the help of Doug Garrett, a respected building science consultant that she had worked with over the years. Over the course of the book's release, Doug and Miki were offered discounted copies from the publisher, New Society Publishing (who only publish books meant to better society) to promote at our frequent speaking engagements. There are only a few of these signed copies remaining, so they are great gifts for anyone interested in embracing a deeper understanding of what actually makes a home green and how to save money in design, construction and, of course, over the life of the home in maintenance, repair and utility costs!  Send a message with your order if you would like the to have the book dedicated to anyone special.