Have you lost one of The Lord of the Rings Tapes?
Buy a replacement for £3 each tape rather than buying the whole set again.
These tapes have been used and are in a Good condition.

- Episode I - The Shadow of the Past SOLD

- Episode 2 - The Black Riders SOLD

- Episode 3 - The Knife in the Dark SOLD

- Episode 4 - The Ring Goes South SOLD

- Episode 5 - The Mirror of Galadriel

- Episode 6 - The Breaking of the Fellowship

- Episode 7 - The King of the Golden Hall SOLD

- Episode 8 - TheVoice of Sauron SOLD

- Episode 9 - The TwoTowers SOLD

- Episode 10 - The Choices of Master Samwise

- Episode 12 - Mount Doom

- Episode 13 - TheGrey Havens  SOLD