
The movie, which tells the strange story of an alien abduction and the horrific impact upon one British family, features a number of ghastly scenes and practical effects that make even its weaker moments worth watching.  Right from the beginning, Xtro remains determined to be different, a fact that sets the film apart and gives it an enduring appeal. A father is abducted by a bright light while playing with his young son outdoors; years later, a monstrous alien creature impregnates a woman who soon gives hideous birth to the father from the opening scene. The lovemaking and birth scenes are freakishly morbid and bizarre, a creepy cocktail of perverse sexuality and straight-up alien bloodshed and horror. The father, who has no memory of his traumatic experiences, returns to his family — and from there, Xtro grows increasingly weird, including scenes involving sex, snake eggs, blood-drinking, toys that grow in size and come alive, murderous animals, and awful nightmares. The picture is guaranteed to shock and surprise even the most desensitized horror fans of today.

CED Cover has obvious wear, but the front-cover artwork is awesome.  Unfortunately, I am unable to test.

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