De Bellis Gallico et Civili Pompeiano nec non A. Hirtii Aliorumque De Bellis Alexandrino, Africano, et Hispaniensi, Commentarii, ex Editione Francisci Oudendorpii; Sedula Recensione Accurati

Author: Caesar, C. Julius (C. Julii Caesaris)
Title: De Bellis Gallico et Civili Pompeiano nec non A. Hirtii Aliorumque De Bellis Alexandrino, Africano, et Hispaniensi, Commentarii, ex Editione Francisci Oudendorpii; Sedula Recensione Accurati
Publication: London (Londini): Excudit S. Hamilton, 1816
Edition: Later edition

Description: Hardcover. 18mo. 8 cm x 12.5 cm. [5], 2-468, [4] pp. Bound in beautiful contemporary straight-grained red morocco with decorations in gilt on the boards and spine (spine is in six compartments). All edges gilt. Biographical Portrait of the Netherlands: "Franz van Oudendorp". Oxford Classical Dictionary 238. A later edition of Franz van Oudendorp's edition of De Bello Gallico (the first appears to have been published in 1737). Oudendorp was a Dutch philologist and classicist, and taught at the University of Leiden during the middle of the eighteenth century (Biographical Portal of the Netherlands). This volume contains Caesar's writings on his campaigns in Gaul and his experiences in the Roman Civil war between Caesar and the Optimates against Pompey the Great and the aristocratic class. De Bello Gallico contains a lively account of Caesar's conquering of northern Italy, parts of Switzlerand, and France. He writes of his impressions of the natives, tribal politics among the Gauls, and his battle strategies. De Bello Africo, Alexandrino, and Hispaniensi are thought to have been written by other authors, with A. Hirtius being credited with the authorship of Africum and Alexandrinum. The first thirty-three chapters of Alexandrinum deal with the war in Alexandria, then delve into Caesar's campaign in Illyricum and that against Pharnaces. De Bello Hispaniensi is an eye-witness account of Caesar's wars fought in Spain, likely written by an educated soldier on the field of battle during the war. The Oxford Classical Dictionary notes the gruesome descriptions of ancient warfare and bloodshed in this text. (Oxford Classical Dictionary 238). This volume contains a great deal of Roman history, an important collection of primary sources on Iron Age Europe and Iron Age warfare. A beautiful edition of Caesar's most significant writings, staples of Latin curricula in high schools and universities all around the western world. Very Good+.

A Very Good+ book with minor wear to the edges of the boards, leaves remarkably clean.

Seller ID: 00007949

Subject: Classical Antiquity, History

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