Starting University - Third Edition *brand new* *direct from the author*

Starting University - Third Edition is a useful and easy-to-read guide for students going to university in the UK. This bestselling book provides a reassuring look at university life and helps students prepare for this exciting and life-changing experience.

Packed full of helpful advice, hints and links, the book includes:

•What to expect when starting university including Freshers’ Week, making friends and coping with the course

•Money: how much they’re likely to have, where it comes from, where it goes and – crucially – how to get more of it. Also, how to budget and what happens when it comes to paying off loans

•Living without parents e.g. laundry, cooking, cleaning. Plus, advice if living at home

•Staying safe at university

•Wellbeing advice: from friendships and relationships to new student blues and getting professional help if things become more serious

•Eleven handy lists of things to take

•And a useful chapter for parents

•Plus, for final year students, actions they can – and should – take throughout the year prior to starting university e.g. how to apply for university in the UK, the key dates concerning the university admission process, applying for student finance, a student bank account and student accommodation

It’s the perfect gift for anyone preparing for university.

Some quotes from students about the book:

“Everything about going to university is made so simple. There were things I hadn't thought of doing and the double checklist is great!”

“This book is so reassuring, providing amazing advice for all aspects of university life.”

“I really enjoyed reading this book. I LOVE that both sides (positive and negative) of social media are highlighted. And listing the different places you can reach out to if you’re really struggling is great - it highlights that there are lots of options!”

And some quotes from parents about the book:

“So many things to think about in such an easy-to-read format. I love the checklists and ticking it off twice – great idea to help feel in control of jumping off the precipice into the unknown. I wish I had this book when I went off to university - it would have made my first year so much easier!”

“I want my daughter to embrace everything at university. This student guide is a great resource which can be read in one sitting or dipped into when needed.”

“A must for all students starting uni. This book brilliantly covers off every angle in practical and positive detail.”

“It’s very easy-to-read and digest. Really nicely presented with not too much information on each page to overwhelm you."

“This book is helpful on so many counts. I’m a planner and the timeline is really useful in telling me what my daughter needs to do and by what date. Also, the money section prepares us for how much we'll need to give her and how much she'll need to pay back when she graduates. It’s brilliant: one place to go to for everything we need to know.”

“This is amazing. Totally understandable even to a non-uni goer like me. So well written and both students and parents would benefit from reading it.”

Melissa Scallan is a writer, adviser and speaker specialising in higher education. She’s an adviser to UCAS, delivers reassuring talks to sixth form students about preparing for university and speaks about the student experience at conferences. She has a background in research and a Master’s degree in psychology from the London School of Economics.