Our Software WinOLS training course includes about 37 sessions of video, more than 30 hours.

ATTENTION! You will receive a digital link for download. No physical items will be shipped.

💬WinOLS tuning course History:

❓How to become a chip tuner and start your own ECU Tuning business?
Many years ago, while we were students ourselves, we decided to study vehicle software calibration and their effects on the engine performance. To accomplish this, we needed to access the ECU data to make the changes we needed. We had to learn ECU remapping. For this purpose, we searched for ECU tuning, ECU remapping training course and tools and etc.
After long hours of searching for information that was highly scattered around the internet, we found out that some of them were inapplicable and couldn't find the articles, tutorials, or proficient books that we required in this field.
Then, we decided to participate in online and in-person tutorial workshops of some companies. Later, it seemed that most of the information was thought selectively and inefficiently, as an example, they would only teach their own software products or instruct how to study a few models of ECUs.
Eventually, we spent around a year studying how to read and write on an ECU or otherwise known as ECU programming. It's been 9 years since that time that we've gathered a highly valuable information about this field, and after many years of experience and projects in ChipTuning, ECU source code studying, doing trials and errors with tools and software, and experience with the dynamometer and remapping a wide range of car ECUs, we came into an idea…
We decided to prepare a useful ECU Tuning tutorial course for people who are interested in and the ones who are ready to start their own business. 
A simple, yet a valuable and centralized course. It is worth saying that most of the tutorial courses on internet would not cover all the topics from basic parts, meaning they would not be a A to Z course, which would not be useful for you.
In other words, what we learn in theory is different from reality. No other course would explain the ECU remapping step by step and with practical evidence. Instead of teaching you how to catch fish, they give you the fish instead!
Some of the online tutorial sessions are ONLY 4 hours long! But who can become a chip tuner in such a short period?
In this course, we will principally educate you with step-by-step and simple guides on ChipTuning and remapping.

💬What You Will Learn in WinOLS Tuning Course:

1- Introduction to injection system, sensors, and actuators

2- You'll learn what ECU remapping or programming is and why we need to do that.

3- Introducing types of ECUs for Petrol, Diesel and also the automatic transmission.

4- We will introduce and explain all the tools needed for chip tuning a car's ECU; ECU Reflash, Chiptuning and Programming training.