Royal Canin Renal Wet Food for Cats is nutritionally balanced veterinary diet that has been specifically tailored to support adult cats with Chronic Renal Insufficiency.

Formulated with a low phosphorus content and a number of high-quality proteins to help support kidney health and function, Royal Canin Renal is suitable for:
Azotaemic Chronic Kidney Disease (IRIS stage 2* to stage 4), Chronic Kidney Disease with proteinuria (IRIS stage 1 to 4), Management of calcium oxalate urolith recurrence in cats with impaired renal function, Prevention of recurrence of urolithiasis requiring urine alkalinisation: urate and cystine uroliths.

Key Benefits:

Poultry By-Products, Pork By-Products, Salmon, Maize Flour, Powder Cellulose, Psyllium Husks and Seeds, Minerals, Pork Blood Products, Caramelised Sugars, Fish Oil, Fructo-Oligosaccharides, Sunflower Oil Refined, Marigold Extract (Source of Lutein)

Nutritional Information:
Protein: 7.5%, Crude ash: 1.2%, Crude fibre: 0.9%, Crude oil fats: 6.5%, Moisture: 78%