"Discover Excellence with Our Steel Framed Building Kit.

Unlock Your Vision: This comprehensive listing includes all necessary components meticulously crafted to achieve the listed design, showcasing our commitment to quality and precision.

Trusted UK Manufacturer: As a leading steel frame building manufacturer, we cater to both the general public and trade professionals, offering bespoke designs and innovative patent connection plate and cleat designs.

Detailed Specifications:

Customization Options: For bespoke design adjustments in size or color, simply send us a message with your requirements, and we'll swiftly respond.

Request a Fitting Cost: Prior to purchase, kindly request a fitting cost tailored to your site's address and layout to ensure precise installation.

Contact Us: It's essential to contact us before finalizing your purchase to discuss all details and options available. For delivery inquiries and further discussions, please contact us directly at 01912672900.

Elevate your construction project with our premium steel framed building kit. Contact us today!"

Why Choose INCLAD for your project?

Eliminate Intermediaries with INCLAD!

As a premier manufacturer and distributor of sheet metal steel cladding, purlins, and cladding accessories in the UK, we at INCLAD are unwaveringly committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of your cold rolled steel building project.

Here's why choosing us is a decision you won't regret:

1: Direct Manufacturing: Unlike other sellers on platforms like eBay, we manufacture our own components, ensuring quality control and eliminating unnecessary middlemen.

2: Comprehensive Support: From 2D and 3D technical drawings to assistance with planning permission, our dedicated team provides invaluable guidance every step of the way. Plus, framework certification is available upon request.

3: Free Expert Advice: Count on us for personalized fitting guides tailored to your project, along with unlimited phone support from our experienced fitters.

4: Industry Credentials: As a CE marked company and proud member of the NFRC, you can trust in the quality and reliability of our products and services.

5: Bespoke Solutions: With over 35 years of experience and state-of-the-art facilities in the North East, we specialize in crafting bespoke designs to meet your exact specifications.

6: Nationwide Coverage: No matter where you're located in the UK, our skilled fitting teams are ready to travel to your site and ensure seamless installation.

7: Cutting-Edge Design: Our C Section design, utilizing high tensile steel of S450 grade, offers unmatched strength-to-weight ratio, delivering cost-effective solutions without compromising on durability.

8: Innovative Solutions: Benefit from our patented connection plate and cleat design, showcasing our commitment to innovation and excellence.

9: Generational Expertise: With years of industry experience passed down through generations, we guarantee unparalleled service and expertise for projects of any size.

10: Accessible to All: Whether you're a member of the general public or a trade professional, we're here to serve you. Reach out to explore our flexible delivery options tailored to your needs.

Choose INCLAD for your next steel building project and experience the difference firsthand. Contact us today to get started!"

Explore Premium Features and Customization Options:

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