Black Galingale Plus Extract Herbal Kaempferia Parviflora Herb Men 50 Capsules

  • Condition : Brand New 
  • Brand      : Wangwan
  • Type        : Black Galingale Plus Extract
  • Contain   : 50 Capsules 
  • Quantity   : 1 PC
Product Details :
Black galingale, one of the top Thai herb in Thailand. Classified in the ginger plant family, biennial plants originating in Thailand. Especially males have male enhancement properties.

Active ingredient : 
  • Black Galingale Extract       20 mg.
  • Indian Gooseberry Extract   60 mg.
  • Korean Ginseng Extract       60 mg.
  • Black Pepper Extract            60 mg.
  • Helps nourish and stimulate the circulatory system for the better. 
  • Helps increase sexual performance Increase energy for the body.
  • Reduce fatigue.
How to eat : Take 1 capsule each time, once a day.