Cleaning the complex devices found in your typical home study or business office can be tricky. In any other room, a damp cloth and a bottle of cleaning spray will do the trick, but the sensitive inner workings of phones, printers and computer peripherals demand a lighter touch.

A breath of clean air
As well as supplying this lighter touch, Bond Hardware Air Duster crucially provides a dry answer to your cleaning quandaries. Simply give the can a shake, attach the supplied aiming straw and go to work.

Done and dusted
Right way up. Upside down. All angles are possible, which means there's no need to leave any crevice unblasted. Using short bursts of pressurised air, you can blow out dust, crumbs, hair and other undesirable desktop detritus without putting any of the delicate components of your equipment at risk.

As well as being suitable for restoring a wide range of office gadgets back to a state of dust-free perfection, Bond Hardware Air Duster offers this professional cleaning tool at a great value price.
