Here's Jerry Garcia  Turn Your Radio On CD. ....CD is in good shape overall....normal wear...... The ministry of Jerry & Sarah Garcia is quite unique. They not only have a ministry in music, but also a ministry of adoption. But their calling to this distinctive ministry is specifically adopting special needs children.
Back in the 1980’s when state children’s institutions where just beginning their phase out, Jerry worked as a residential aid caring for the everyday needs of severely mentally handicapped children and adults. It was then that God placed a special love and burden in his heart for these disadvantaged individuals. As these institutions began to close down and place residents in foster homes, Jerry moved on to another career. But the burden for these children was still in his heart when he married his wife Sarah in 1998. It was two years later they opened their home to these special angels from heaven. Sarah, having a history in the medical field had the experience and heart to take on the challenges that come with these special individuals.
As a family they travel sharing their testimony with audiences all across the country. Although they each have unique challenges, God is able. They let everyone know that their trust is in God fully, and if you do the same He will amaze you in what He can do in you and through you by the power of His Spirit. What God has done in the Garcia family, He CAN do for you!