Dodd Mead, 1982. Hardcover, dust jacket, 332 pages, illustrated color (8 colorplates) and black and white (295), 40 photos of marks, and photos of 313 flatware patterns for identification, Gorham source material, appendices, bibliography, index. First Edition, signed by author. Presents the 150 year history of the Gorham Company with principal emphasis on the period 1831-1915. Studies the styles and stylistic currents of the time, how the objects were made, social forces influencng the making and using of the wares. An aid for identification with sections on patterns and marks in the appendices. Invaluable to the collector, dealer, curator, auctioneer, appraiser, art historian. This is the original publication and is scarce.

condition info: Missing dust cover. Has a sturdy binding with some shelf wear. May have light markings on pages. Former library copy.