Guinness World Records 2024 von

Art Nr.: 1913484386
ISBN 13: 9781913484385
B-Nr: INF1000685850
ReleaseYear: 2023
Published by: Pan Macmillan
Cover: hardcover
Cover Format: 304x226x20
Pages: 256
Weight: 1165 g
Language: Englisch
Neu Neuware, auf Lager

Alle Artikel werden von uns professionell verpackt, so dass die Beschädigungsgefahr beim Versand minimiert wird.

Dive into thousands of new and classic records, with topics as diverse as rollercoasters, robots, movie props and gaming. The theme of this year's edition is the BLUE PLANET, so take the plunge with our opening chapters, as we encounter bizarre and deadly sea creatures, swim through the largest coral reefs and explore the seabed for shipwrecks.