Young Woman Parents Caricature Drawing A.Girard 1940

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Girard, André (1901-1968):
"- Petite imbecile, tu pourrais au moins te rappeler le bataillon..." - A young woman is scolded by her parents for forgetting the battalion her lover comes from / caricature caricature / drawing dessin Drawing

approx. 1940.

Original signed drawing by André Girard from approx. 1940. Mounted on thin cardboard. -- Dimensions: approx. 22x18cm. -- well preserved. || Original drawing signed by André Girard, from c. 1940. -- Laid down on thin cardboard. -- in good condition. || Design original d'André Girard de c. 1940.|| André Girard (1901-1968) was a French painter, poster-maker, and Resistance worker known for founding and leading the CARTE network a French Resistance network during WWII. Born in Chinon, Girard studied at the École des Beaux-Arts and served in the military before pursuing a career as a painter, caricaturist, and theater set designer. He gained recognition as a prominent poster designer during the 1930s in Paris. He produced, among others, advertising posters for Duco (1928-29), Peugeot (1930), Mercier Frères (1930), Gitanes cigarettes (1930), Marconi (1935) Dubonnet, The Capehart, Shell.He traveled to France and throughout Europe, and fell under the spell of Venice. In 1937, he embarked for New York and his career as a painter took off. In 1938, he exhibited at the Sullivan Gallery on Park Avenue. As soon as Hitler came to power in Germany, he published numerous political cartoons in the press, Les Échos, Paris-Midi, Paris-Soir, Match, Marianne, Le Rire16. These were published in 2005 under the title Hitler, Stalin et compagne. Dessins politiques de 1934 a 1942 with a preface by Daniele Delorme. Many of his drawings from that time resemble the style of German-American artist George Grosz (1893-1959). During the war, Girard married Andrée Jouan and had four daughters. Refusing to witness the German occupation of Paris, he relocated to the Antibes, where he painted his daughters and established the CARTE network. Although initially apolitical, Girard became involved in recruiting and espionage activities, preparing for an armed uprising against the Germans. Following SOE orders, he flew to England in February 1942 and subsequently went into self-imposed exile in the United States of America. Despite learning about his wife's arrest and deportation to the Ravensbrück concentration camp (she was released in 1945), Girard broke ties with SOE. In post-war New York, Girard produced religious paintings, such as the Stations of the Cross and Apocalypse. In 1952, he decorated churches in New York, Vermont, and California. In 1947, he published the work entitled "Peut-on dire la vérité sur la Résistance," offering important corrections to Bénouville's book "Le Sacrifice du matin." Girard passed away in the United States in 1968 and was buried there. He received the American Legion of Merit in recognition of his contributions. || André Girard (1901-1968) was a painter, affichiste and résistant français connu pour avoir fondé et dirigé the réseau CARTE - a réseau de la Résistance française pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Né à Chinon, Girard étudie à l'École des Beaux-Arts et sert dans l'armée avant de poursuivre une career de peintre, caricaturiste et décorateur de théâtre. Il est reconnu comme un affichiste de premier plan dans les années 1930 à Paris. The réalise, among others, of the affiches publicitaires pour Duco (1928-29), Peugeot (1930), Mercier Frères (1930), Gitanes cigarettes (1930), Marconi (1935) Dubonnet, La Capehart, Shell. The voyage in France and throughout Europe, and the charm of Venice. In 1937, the embargo for New York and the career of décolletage paint. In 1938, it was exposed at the Sullivan Gallery on Park Avenue. The arrival of Hitler in Allemagne, the publication of the names of political caricatures in the press, "Les Échos", "Paris-Midi", "Paris-Soir", "Match", "Marianne", "Le Rire16 ". Celles-ci ont été published in 2005 sous the title Hitler, Staline et company. Dessins politiques de 1934 à 1942 », prefaced by Danièle Delorme. Beaucoup de ses dessins de this époque ressemblent au style de l'artiste Germano-Américain George Grosz (1893-1959). Pendant of the war, Girard épouse Andrée Jouan and four girls. Refusant d'assister à l'occupation anglais de Paris, il s'installe à Antibes, où il peint ses girls et fonde le réseau CARTE. Bien qu'initialement apolitique, Girard s'est impliqué dans des activités de recrutement et d'espionnage, preparing a soulèvement armé againsttre les Allemands. Suite aux orders du SOE, il s'est envolé pour l'Angleterre en fevrier 1942 et s'est ensuite exilé aux États-Unis d'Amérique. Bien qu'il ait appris l'arrestation et la deportation de sa femme vers le camp de concentration de Ravensbrück (elle a été libérée en 1945), Girard a rompu les liens avec le SOE. In New York after the war, Girard produced a religious painting, telling the story of the crossroads and the Apocalypse. In 1952, the decoration of the streets in New York, in Vermont and in California. In 1947, the publication of the original title "Peut-on dire la vérité sur la Résistance", apportant d'importantes corrections au livre de Bénouville "Le Sacrifice du matin". Girard was published in 1968 by Etats-Unis et ya été enterré. The American Legion receives the merit and recognition of its contributions. || André Girard (1901-1968) was a French painter, poster maker and resistance fighter, known for founding and leading the CARTE network, a French resistance network during World War II. Born in Chinon, Girard studied at the École des Beaux-Arts and served in the military before pursuing a career as a painter, caricaturist and theater set designer. In the 1930s he gained recognition as a prominent poster designer in Paris. He produced advertising posters for Duco (192829), Peugeot (1930), Mercier Frères (1930), Gitanes cigarettes (1930), Marconi (1935), Dubonnet, The Capehart, Shell, among others. He traveled through France and all of Europe and fell under the spell of Venice. In 1937 he embarked for New York and his career as a painter began. In 1938 he exhibited at the Sullivan Gallery on Park Avenue. As soon as Hitler came to power in Germany, he published numerous political cartoons in the press, Les Échos, Paris-Midi, Paris-Soir, Match, Marianne, Le Rire16. These were published in 2005 under the title Hitler, Stalin et compagne. Dessins politiques de 1934 a 1942 with a foreword by Daniele Delorme. Many of his drawings from this period resemble the style of the German-American artist George Grosz (1893-1959). During the war, Girard married Andrée Jouan and had four daughters. Refusing to witness the German occupation of Paris, he moved to Antibes, where he painted his daughters and founded the CARTE network. Although Girard was initially apolitical, he engaged in recruiting and espionage activities and prepared an armed insurrection against the Germans. On orders from the SOE, he flew to England in February 1942 and then went into self-imposed exile in the United States of America. Because Girard learned of his wife's arrest and deportation to the Ravensbrück concentration camp (she was released in 1945), he broke off ties with SOE. In postwar New York, Girard created religious paintings such as the Stations of the Cross and the Apocalypse. In 1952 he decorated churches in New York, Vermont and California. In 1947 he published Peut-on dire la vérité sur la Résistance, in which he offered important corrections to Bénouville's book Le Sacrifice du matin. Girard died in the United States in 1968 was buried there. In recognition of his service, he received the American Legion of Merit. || Literature: Delorme, Daniele; Imaho, Pascal: "Hitler, Staline et compagnie. "Dessins politiques de 1934 a 1942" (Paris, 2005).

Order number: 270752

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approx. 1940. Original signed drawing by André Girard from approx. 1940. Mounted on thin cardboard. -- Dimensions: approx. 22x18cm. -- well preserved. || Original drawing signed by André Girard, from c. 1940. -- Laid down on thin cardboard. -- in good condition. || Design original d'André Girard de c. 1940.|| André Girard (1901-1968) was a French painter, poster-maker, and Resistance worker known for founding and leading the CARTE network a French Resistance network during WWII. Born in Chinon, Girard studied at the École des Beaux-Arts and served in the military before pursuing a career as a painter, caricaturist, and theater set designer. He gained recognition as a prominent poster designer during the 1930s in Paris. He produced, among others, advertising posters for Duco (1928-29), Pe
Zeitraum 1900-1949
Originalität Unikat Handgefertigt Original
Herstellungszeitraum 1900-1924
Produktart Zeichnung
Eigenschaften Signiert