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TEXECOM Odyssey X3 Octagonal Bell Box Front Cover Only - Blue

The Texecom Odyssey X3 Octagonal Bell Box Cover is compatible Odyssey's X3 range of Illuminated, Non Illuminated and Dummy Bell Boxes.

Note: This listing is for the front cover only, bell box and sounder sold separately. 

Compatible With

- GBV-0001 Odyssey X-W Wireless Backplate
- WDC-0001 Odyssey X-BE Backlit 109db Bell Box Backplate 
- WDC-0002 Odyssey X-B Backlit 115db Bell Box Backplate 
- WDD-0001 Odyssey X-E NON ILLUMINATED 109db Bell Box Backplate
- WDD-0002 Odyssey X NON ILLUMINATED 115db Bell Box Backplate
- WDE-0001 Odyssey X Dummy / Decoy Backplate