Brand New! Factory sealed. The Whale 2-Disc Limited Edition Plaion MediaBook Type A (4K UHD + Blu-ray)Region B German Import Blu-ray. You will need a Region B or Multi-Region Blu-ray Player to be able to watch this Blu-ray Disc! Includes Collectible MediaBook Type A w/20p. Booklet by Stefan JungOOP / Sold-OutIn perfect conditions!...


I have examined this MediaBook to the best of my ability prior to listing and have disclosed all visible imperfections (if any) in the description of the listing. Sometimes MediaBooks can have micro-dents or scratches or other flaws under the plastic wrap and/or the back information J-Card, Data Card or the SlipCover. There is no way for me to see or detect such imperfections and therefore I cannot be held responsible for any that you may find. If a disc comes loose during shipment, I cannot be accountable for this. NO Refunds will be accepted for opened items. Thanks…