In this package you will get 2 new horses and 1 bag of horse accessories. See pictures

1 new brown and white Lori Pinto Horse that comes with 3 toy apples, a horse brush, and a spray bottle. The horse is about 7 inches tall and about 8 inches long. The front of the box has sticker residue. See pictures

1 new white Our Generation Palomino Foal with blonde hair. The horse comes with a horse brush, spray bottle, shampoo bottle, bucket with sponge, and a grooming mitt. The horse is about 12 inches tall and 11 inches long. The front of the box has sticker residue on the front. See pictures

1 bag of horse related accessories. It contains a grooming mitt, half of an apple, shampoo, conditioner, 2 harnesses, a saddle, reigns, feed bag, saddle bag, 2 horse brushes, spray bottle, hoof cleaner, 2 buckets, sponge, horse rope, grain scoop, horse lead stick, and a carrot. These are all accessories for the our generation Palomino Foal. See pictures

If you have any questions please ask. No returns accepted. I am listing other Our Generation products if interested