Alyson Avenue - Changes (2011, Avenue Of Allies)


"Changes" is the highly anticipated comeback of the female fronted Swedish Melodic Rockers Alyson Avenue. The album introduces powerhouse vocalist Arabella Vitanc. All tracks were co-produced and mixed by Chris Laney (Crazy Lixx, H.E.A.T., Brian Robertson).

The songs includes a duet with Michael Bormann (ex-Jaded Heart, BISS, Zeno) and guest appearances by Rob Marcello (Danger Danger, Marcello - Vestry), Anette Olzon (Nightwish, ex-Alyson Avenue), Fredrik Bergh (Street Talk, Bloodbound), Tommy Stråhle and Mike Andersson (Cloudscape, Planet Alliance). The gents in Alyson Avenue on Arabella's side are main song writer and keyboard player Niclas Olsson, Thomas Löyskä on bass and guitar, Fredrik Eriksson on drums and Tony Rohtla on guitar.



1.        Liar  (4:13)

2.        Will I Make Love  (4:17)

3.        Changes  (3:51)

4.        Amazing Days  (3:57)

5.        Don´t Know If Love Is Alive  (4:37)

6.        Fallen  (4:08)

7.        Into The Fire  (4:41)

8.        I Will Be Waiting  (3:37)

9.        I´ll Cry For You  (3:53)

10.      Somewhere  (4:15)

11.      Always Keep On Loving  You  (4:10)


All songs written by Niclas Olsson,

except ”Don´t Know If Love Is Alive” written by Fredrik Bergh and Niclas Olsson

“Changes” written by Mats Edström


Produced by Alyson Avenue

Mixed and co-produced by Chris Laney @ Laneyland

Mastered by Classe Persson @ CRP Recordings


Alyson Avenue are:


Arabella Vitanc : Vocals, background vocals

Thomas Löyskä : Bass, guitar

Fredrik Eriksson : Drums

Tony Rohtla : Guitars

Niclas Olsson : Keyboards, background vocals


Additional musicians :


Michael Bormann : Vocals and background vocals on ”Will I Make Love”

Anette Olzon : Background vocals on ”Liar”, ”Into The Fire”, ”Always Keep On Loving You”, ”Fallen”

Rob Marcello : Guitar solo on ”Changes”

Fredrik Bergh : Keyboards on ”Don´t Know If Love Is Alive”

Chris Laney : Background vocals on ”Amazing Days”

Mike Andersson : Background vocals on ”Liar”, ”Somewhere”, ”Changes”, ”Don´t Know If Love Is Alive”, ”Into The Fire”, ”Fallen”, ”I´ll Cry For You”, ”Always Keep On Loving You”

Tommy Stråhle : Background vocals on ”I´ll Cry For You”


Gregor Klee : Executive Producer

Artist bio:

"Changes" is the highly anticipated comeback of the female fronted Swedish Melodic Rockers Alyson Avenue. It’s their third album and it marks the recording debut of powerhouse vocalist Arabella Vitanc, who joined the band in 2009, following the departure of their former lead singer Anette Olzon in 2007 to front Nightwish. The boys on Arabella’s side are main song writer and keyboard player Niclas Olsson, guitar player Tony Rohtla, bassist / guitarist Thomas Löyskä and Fredrik Eriksson on drums.

The band co-produced all songs of the album together with one of Sweden’s best Rock producers, Chris Laney (Crazy Lixx, H.E.A.T., Brian Robertson), who also mixed the record and sang background vocals. With Chris in the producer’s chair, “Changes” turns out to be Alyson Avenue‘s most powerful album to date with a crunchier Melodic Rock sound, that gives more space to the guitars.


Half a dozen guests followed the band’s invitation to be part of “Changes” and add their special touch. The band welcomed Nightwish’s Anette Olzon in the studio to sing background vocals. Anette did always keep in close personal contact with Niclas, who had helped her to record the demos that paved her the way to the Nightwish auditions.


Another longtime friend of the band, Michael Bormann (Ex-Jaded Heart, Charade, BISS) sings the duet “Will I Make Love” with Arabella. Michael returns the favour for the guest appearances of Niclas on Michael’s “Conspiracy” (2006) and “Capture The Moment” (2008) CDs and  Anette’s duet vocals on “Two Of A Kind” from “Conspiracy”.

The title track “Changes”, the only outside song writing contribution courtesy of Mats Edström (Shiva), is high lighted  by a fiery guitar solo of Swedish guitar wizard Rob Marcello (Danger Danger, Marcello - Vestry) and Fredrik Bergh (Street Talk, Bloodbound) plays keyboards on the track “Don’t Know If Love Is Alive”, which he also co-wrote with Niclas.

The line-up of background  vocalists for the catchy harmonies throughout the album is completed by Tommy Stråhle and Mike Andersson (Cloudscape, Planet Alliance).

The history of Alyson Avenue started in 1989, back then the band was one of many male fronted followers of Swedish Melodic Rock greats like Treat and Europe. During the  following years Anette joined the guys as a background singer and later took over the  position as the band’s lead vocalist. They recorded a couple of demos, but it wasn’t until late 2000 when their self-produced debut album “Presence Of Mind” was officially  released. The CD became a big success for the band with the fans and the media alike,  including a 93/ 100 rating in prestigious Japanese Burrn! magazine. Four years later their sophomore effort “Omega” followed, another favourite among Melodic Rock and AOR  fans.

In the years to come Alyson Avenue was put on hold and the band members  participated in different projects. Following Anette’s successful audition as the new  female voice of Nightwish in 2007, the interest in the works of Alyson Avenue started to  grow again and the band decided to re-release the two already sought after CDs. Finally  in 2009 “Presence Of Mind” was re-issued in its original version, while “Omega” became  “Omega II”, with re-recorded instrumental parts to achieve an album sound closer to the  band’s vision, while keeping all of Anette’s original vocal performances.

Also in 2009 the  band started to audition female vocalists to write a new chapter in the history of Alyson Avenue. They looked for a charismatic lady with a Rock edge and after careful  consideration and interest from female singers from around the world, Arabella Vitanc, a previously undiscovered Swedish talent, was chosen to be the voice of Alyson Avenue. 

A long time in the making “Changes” became a more mature affair than its two  predecessors, the songs grow with each listen and the hooks have the strength to become a long lasting guest in your head.

(Words: Gregor Klee)

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Dear music lover, thank you for your interest in our eBay listings.

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