Bring the outside inside with our 3 CD compilation of nature's sounds 

(special price of £19.90 (a saving of £9.99) 3 for the price of 2

(CD 1) Bring the sounds of Nature inside your own home with the Sound Effects of Shoreline Waves, Ocean Waves, Stream and Rushing River. 

Track 1: 21 Minutes – Gentle waves lapping the beach 

This gentle, relaxing close-up recording features the sound of gentle waves as they lap the beach and subside. Just sit back and imagine sitting with your feet in the surf.

Track 2: 21 minutes – Rushing River.
This recording takes your mind on a fast journey of adventure, as the water rushes down the river in a fast torrent.

Track 3: 21  Minutes – Ocean Waves coming in to shore.
This mesmerising recording of magnificent waves out to sea, then coming ashore will delight all sea and ocean lovers.  Periodically the very faint sound of birds can be heard in the background.

Track 4: 19 minutes – Running Stream, recorded at Yellowstone National Park, Canyon Falls. This recording is close up and personal with the water as it runs downstream, relaxing and soothing


(CD 2) Sounds of Nature: Heavy Rain, Thunder and wind.

The British Tinnitus Association recommend natural sounds of nature as valuable self help tools to relieve the debilitating effects of tinnitus.

Track 1: 23 Minutes - Strong Wind. 
This is a dynamic recording of strong wind, which varies throughout and with strong gusts and sometimes whistling wind. 

Track 2: 23 Minutes - Thunderstorm and Rain 
This recording of a magnificent thunderstorm includes loud claps of thunder and low rumblings, combined with heavy rain throughout. 

Track 3: 22 minutes - Heavy Rain. 
This recording leaves you feeling drenched! The rain is heavy and persistent with no other sound effects. Ideal for white-noise background. 

The content of these 3 separate tracks are exactly as described, without any additional sounds of people, birds or animals.

Sounds acquired under licence – produced by Sharon Shinwell

(CD 3) A Collection of British Bird Songs - bringing the outdoors, indoors!

Listening to Birdsong was recently promoted on 'BBC Countryfile' as a form of Therapy for mental health issues. 

This unique collection of British Bird Songs on CD, comprises of individual birds and groups.

Each song has a different track number so you can identify the bird it relates to.

14 Tracks of Individual Bird Songs and Groups of Bird Songs with identifying track numbers for easy recognition.

Total time approx 30 mins.

1. Dawn Chorus
2. Evening Chorus
3. Blackbird
4. Blackbird, Goldfinch and Cuckoo
5. Blue Tit
6. Chaffinch
7. Great Tit
8. Greenfinch
9. Nightingale
10. Robin.
11. Skylark
12. Willow Warbler
13. Wren
14. Yellowhammer

At Here To Listen Ltd.  We are trying to do our bit to save the planet.

Plastic Jewel cases and Cellophane wrapping cannot be recycled by many waste management organisations, so we have made the decision to change our packaging to help cut down on single use plastic. Unfortunately, we do need to use a plastic wallet to protect the CD from damp during its journey to you. We hope our new packaging will not detract from your enjoyment of the CD. We feel we have a moral and ethical duty to do all we can to reduce plastic wastage and the squandering of world resources. We will try our best to remove as much as we can in future. As result of this change, have been able to reduce postage charges as the packaging weighs less.

Here To Listen Ltd., 

Terms and Conditions of sale:

All our CDs are of the highest quality and well packed, but if you do receive one that is faulty or damaged we will always replace it immediately there is no need to open a case, just message us. 

Downloads can be transferred to any device you want to.  Ebay have on record who holds the copyright to this product and all our other recordings, Ebay takes copyright infringement very seriously, as do we!




All CDs are dispatched same day or at the very latest the next working day (unless we are on holiday) so if your CD doesn't arrive by the date ebay suggests it should, Royal Mail has lost it or delayed it, so please contact me and I will resend it.  You don't need to open a "not received" case as we always have these in stock (we make them) and I will always resend!

We ship worldwide. 


Outside UK - International Airmail small package

All CDs are Brand New and made by us.